why does geography matter

What I want to do in this article is outline some reasons why spatial information and location can be highly useful in a wide number of situations. Geography also helps students understand how the physical world works. As the evolution of London investment banking in the last decade has shown, the identity of the participants may change, but the location of the activity does not. A whole new world opened up when my parents gave me the geographic encyclopedia. This is a subject most likely to be required or preferred for entry to degree courses and choosing facilitating subjects will keep more options open to you at university. Geography requires awareness of the importance of cultural diversity—that is, area differences in language, race, religion, and politics; generally, how and why people live the way they do. 9. Geography is an important part of history and the modern age. 10 Ways Geography has everything to do with Your Everyday Life. Watch this video during formal or informal instruction to explain to students why a healthier ocean means a healthier planet. 4 Reasons why location matters in your strategy; Studying geography is an essential part of being a global citizen, as it has a huge impact on how civilizations form. Culture, Maps. Bring fitness indoors. April 21, 2014. Why geography matters. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. At eight, I possessed a boundless curiosity in everyone and everything around me. Create your account But such accidents of history are not easily reversed. Connecting with Space and Place. This awareness is valuable when we try Quite simply, it is the study of the world around us. “Why we really like to get back to nature and especially local nature is that people usually live in an area they want to be in, and it feels like home for them,” Thorsen says. 963 No matter what you are doing or studying today, geography is an important thing to consider. Geography can even be a character, such as the Vietnamese village in Tim O’Brien’s Going After Cacciato, which becomes a kind of enemy figure to the American soldiers. The examples I have used primarily come from the retail or business-to-consumer world, but the concepts are equally applicable to other situations. Covering 72 percent of the Earth and supplying half its oxygen, the ocean is our planet's life support system. 3. Melissa Cameron. So long as culture matters, history and geography will matter too. When temperatures drop, so do the opportunities for outdoor exercise. That number is 46 miles for private nonprofit four-year colleges, and only eight miles at public two-year colleges. Human geography looks at the dynamics present in cultures, societies and economies while physical geography looks at the dynamics present in the environment and the physical geographic landscapes. The Russell Group report (PDF) published in 2011 names geography as one of the eight facilitating subjects. But when it comes to college choice, Hillman thinks geography is overlooked. Geography is the study of place, and seeks to understand the ways in which humans influence their environment, and in turn explore the influence the environment has on humans. “Place matters because it reinforces existing inequalities.” At public four-year colleges, the median distance students live from home is 18 miles. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human societies spread across it. Geography is highly valued by universities as an A Level choice. There are many other reasons to study geography apart from its influence and importance in regards to historical study. This video dives into why the ocean is important and some of the biggest threats it faces. When American citizens appreciate cultural diversity, many issues and problems may be addressed in a positive manner. Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments.

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