what is life best answer

If therefore the universe itself has a purpose, it seems most likely to be to explore what the outcome of the evolutionary experiment would be. Life is the consciousness of humanity; it is perception of the world and the universe. For some, life is God. Life is the eternal and unbroken flow of infinite rippling simultaneous events that by a fortuitous chain has led to this universe of elements we are all suspended in, that has somehow led to this present experience of sentient existence. Insider rounded up difficult riddles and brainteasers that most people can't answer. The Meaning of Life compiled by John Gabay. Which really shouldn’t be the case, because your life experience is yours to create. What the Employer Wants to Know. While splitting a family is as horrible as it sounds and probably no one really likes the idea of going to divorce lawyers, divorce is the best answer if a marriage is not working. So, to answer correctly, you need to convey the above 3 points in your answer and provide a real-life, relevant example of the strength in action. Check out the other articles in the series: If you love this post, you’ll love the Live a Better Life in 30 Days Program (30DLBL). It opens up doors for positive changes in life. So why do humans risk undermining the life of which they are part? Answer: On a personal level, I am motivated to show the value of a good work ethic to my children. Yet life is only a story, so it can act only through matter. Questions About Weaknesses. This kind of definition might serve the purposes of biologists, but for me, it has five deficiencies. Life as fear and hatred is not real life at all. A partial solution to this dilemma is for genetically-related entities to form a cooperating society. Life has lost its purpose because we have tried to give it one. Although we have only the example of the Earth, it shows that life will evolve to fill every usable niche, and to secure and further diversify those niches. Best Answers for Interview Questions About Weaknesses. Hi! The ceramic artist Edmund de Waal places an object in front of him and begins to tell a story. Life cannot be planned: there’s fate, and there’s simple bad luck. I'm a talented musician, the life of the party, and a great joke teller. This notion is not scientific, but one wonders if the tools of science are fit to detect any evolutionary purpose, if there is one. I am hoping that after you answer these 50 questions, you’ll know exactly what makes you happy. Tips for Giving the Best Answer. I roll with the punches and don't take defeats too seriously. Today’s philosophers echo the existentialist view that life is full of absurdity, although they also tell us that we must put meaning into life by making our own values in an indifferent world. I listen enthralled to scientific debate on what, how, when and where life was created. This is achieved by supplementing their underlying cellular embodied chemistry with a specialist organ (although still based on chemistry) that we call its brain, able to rapidly process electrical signals. The best way to answer “what are you passionate about” is to name one single area of interest. It’s a dark spot which makes stargazing easier, and the heavens are a good place to start, since life as we know it began there (the heavier atoms like carbon which make up our bodies initially formed in dying Red Giant stars). John did not seek out his purpose in life. This makes me feel two things about my life: it’s a dot because the cosmos is immense; but it’s an important dot in the cosmos because I can consider it. The first line expresses two of the three marks of existence as per Buddhist thinking, Anicca, impermanence, and Anatta, non-self: a “walking shadow” is as insubstantial and impermanent as anything imaginable; a “poor player” neither creates nor directs his role, and the character being played only exists because of an author. But these kinds of questions can put the candidates in a difficult position, when suddenly asked, often leaving candidates feeling ill-prepared. On this interpretation, life will ultimately organise all the physical resources of the universe into a single self-conscious intelligence, which in turn will then be able to interact with its creator(s). How do you feel about your life today? The most common definitions of meaning in life involve three components. Expand. You deserve nothing but the best. Perhaps the hypothesis upon which Ivan Tyrrell and Joe Griffin have based their therapy could help (see Human Givens, 2003). A person can waste an inordinate amount of time mourning what they don’t have, or plans that don’t work out. In the spirit of this interpretation, the idea of being “heard no more” could imply that life constantly evolves new forms while discarding older ones. Interview Question & Best Answer “What motivates you?” This interview question is trickier than you might imagine. When I ask, ‘What is life? After this, review the details of the story and situation. Subject lines or envelopes should be marked ‘Question of the Month’, and must be received by 9th June. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. 6. By. Life is finding a cause to survive, a reason not to die – not yet. Also, try to sound modest and acknowledge your shortcomings. Here are a sample of replies. If the ancients could do philosophy in the marketplace, maybe I can too. This will keep your answer simple and easy to remember (and easy to practice). I’m not meaning to sound like a Pollyanna – I assure you I’m not – it’s just more pleasant to strive for a modicum of equilibrium. This article is available for download as a free PDF ebook. I believe life at its best is spirit: it is active, sentient, feeling, thinking, purposive, valuing, social, other-respecting, relating, and caring. Best Term Life Insurance. Yet humans, the ‘tool-making animals’, are themselves tools of life, in an unplanned experiment. I’ve come to reaffirm my Boy Scout motto, give or take a few words, that the meaning of life is to: Do good, Be Good, but also to Receive Good. Some of the best serious answers to the question of why you are single were offered by Samhita Mukhopadhyay at Jezebel in 2012. Copyright © Personal Excellence  |  Terms of Use  |  Privacy  |  Contact, quit the things that don’t serve your path, 5 Tips To Deal with Negative Criticism [Video], How To Be The Most Confident Person In The World, the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, Cooped Up Indoors? It’s how you come out on the other side of those challenging times that is important. Life is the consciousness of humanity; it is perception of the world and the universe. Get a Life with These 7 Tips, Write a Letter to Your Future Self [Video], How To Achieve More With Less Using The 80/20 Principle, 10 Powerful & Inspiring Graduation Speeches You Don’t Want To Miss, 15 Free, Beautiful Inspirational Wallpapers For Your Desktop, 20 Amazing Commercials That Will Inspire the Greatness in You, 13 Meaningful Movies with Important Life Lessons To Learn, 101 Ways To Live Your Life To The Fullest, 101 Important Questions To Ask Yourself in Life, How To Improve Your Relationship With Your Parents, How To Stay Focused and Not Get Distracted. Either way, choose an answer that allows for a positive spin. Review these examples of the best answers to questions about your strengths, but be sure to tailor your responses to your credentials and to the role requirements. But that’s not the end of it; it’s merely the means towards the creation of meaning. But as significant. Life is finding a cause to survive, a reason not to die – not yet. Readers may consider this in relation to DNA and RNA, and also in relation to John’s Gospel: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (The implications of the phrase “told by an idiot” exceed the scope of this inquiry.). That’s the best way to make sure you have the right level of energy when giving your answer. John was a person who lived a purposeful life that was centered on his commitment and love for his family and serving others. There IS an answer to the question of what is the meaning of life, BUT until we could explain our seemingly-imperfect, good-and-evil-afflicted HUMAN CONDITION we couldnt afford to acknowledge what that meaning is. It’s important to embrace this individuality. Third, in the scientific definition, there is no place for life having value. Griffin and Tyrrell have proven empirically that when sufficient needs are met an individual will enjoy mental and physical health, unless there is damage or toxicity in the environment. Unfortunately, modern society seeks meaning to life through materialism, to the detriment of our biological needs, leading to dissatisfaction and a consequent inability to find meaning. Yes, insofar as they react to stimuli; but they are alive essentially because they reproduce and grow. To Learn more in the field. … Now, this refers to the language-based, or code-based, nature of life. The current state of life is as yet too unstable and undeveloped for it to be the end. How you land, get on with it, and keep on truckin’. I was surprised to find that I had no immediate definition of life myself (hence the idea to ask) and that there is no consensus (only one reply was repeated), but then, that also is life. Life exists at many levels. Fourth, there is the question of life as a whole having a purpose or goal. I’ve been surprised when learning something new about an acquaintance or friend that must have been very difficult to manage or survive; but there they are in front of me. It’s an amazing experience that I want you to experience too. You can read four articles free per month. Overall, life is beautiful – ugliness is fleeting. Corpses and skeletons are lugubrious; living flesh is resplendent, all bodies are statuesque. What are you most grateful for in life? So our natural intuitions determine the meaning of life for us; and it seems for other species as well, for those intuitions resonate through much of life and give it its purpose. Life is therefore perpetual transcendence, always moving into the future, creating the present. In thermodynamics terms, it has the ability to reduce local entropy or disorganisation, thus locally contravening the third law of thermodynamics.

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