thailand national id number format

Taking the number series, in this case .806451613 appearing after the decimal point and multiplying it by 31 and rounding the resulting number to the nearest whole number gives the remainder. The expiration date of the ID card is 15 years. New NTN certificates are being issued with computerized NIC numbers and old NTN certificates bearing old NIC numbers will become invalid. The second last N is even for females and odd for males. Unique Master Citizen Number comprises 13 digits in DDMMYYY RR XXX C format. Temporary IDs are not logged in the Finnish Population Information System. This enables the system to work until the year 2054. Historically, the number has been composed of the date of birth (DDMMYY), a three digit individual number, and two check digits. The identification document shall display the assigned PhilSys number (PSN), full name, sex, blood type, birth date, birthplace, marital status(optional), and photograph of the bearer. [10] Nevertheless, the SIN is still used as a unique identifier for the Canada Revenue Agency (similar to USA's IRS & England's HMRC) to track individuals who are filing their income tax returns. It is based on the DNI and appends 2 numbers at the beginning and one at the end. Since the 1960s, Pakistan has been issuing National Identity Card (commonly known by the acronym, NIC) numbers to its citizens. [35], In the 1980s, the electronic system was exported to Kuwait, Jamaica, Malaysia, Thailand, Romania, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, and Saint Petersburg.[36]. The first two digits of the number are your year of birth (e.g. The number is stated in Indonesian identity card. So, not only is it possible for a person to have the same RG number as a person from other state (which is usually dealt with by specifying the state which issued the ID card), but it is also possible to (legally) have more than one RG, from different states. Macau's Finance Department has also adopted identification number as a tax reporting number, for tax filing purposes. In Chile the National Identification Number is called RUN (Rol Único Nacional) but is usually called RUT (Rol Único Tributario) since the number is the same as the one used for tax purposes. The first digit depends on gender; 1 for male, 2 for female. The DNI is required for all transactions related with tax authority, as well as to access the ubiquitous Spanish National Health System (although it has its own insured identification document), apply for marriage licences, receive unemployment compensation, and in general all interactions with law enforcement and any government or government-supervised institution. The first one is the Birth Number (Slovak: Rodné číslo (RČ)), issued at birth by the civic records authority (Slovak: matrika) and recorded on the birth certificate. For remainders below ten, the remainder itself is the control character whereas 10 corresponds to A, 11=B, 12=C, ending up with 30=Y. The structure of such number is GYYMMDDXXXC, whereas G is the gender (but also indicates century of birth, and, in some cases, citizenship), YYMMDD is the birth date year, month, day, XXX is the serial number, and C is a checksum digit. In Kuwait, the 12-digit national identification number is the Civil Number (Arabic: الرقم المدني‎). Thailand. MM - month of birth Zimbabweans who are not of black race also get a district of origin shown as 00, even those who are of mixed race. Therefore, knowing the code should not be used as a proof of identity, although this sometimes happens in the commercial sector. In this example, 131052308 / 31 = .806451613 x 31 = 25.000000003 rounded to 25=T. The identification number is used by public institutions in their certificates and documents like identity card, passport, international family book, driving license, form and manifesto they issue to citizens. The first, the Registro Geral (RG) is a number associated to the official ID card. The system was introduced in the former Czechoslovakia. The "DDD" digits are used to be an origin code depending which country the person came from and or if this person was a Swiss citizen through birth or naturalisation. The first digit of the sequence number encodes the century of birth (so that centenarians are distinguished from infants, 0-4 in odd centuries, 5-9 in even centuries), and the last digit of the sequence number is odd for males and even for females. For taxpaying purposes, the CUIT and CUIL (Código Único de Identificación Tributaria, Unique Code for Taxpaying Identification and Código de Identificación Laboral, Unique Code for Laboral Identification). They were formerly of the style "LLLNNL NNN", for example KWB91M 342, which continued patterns used in World War II identity cards. [17] UIDAI's Aadhaar card project gives each eligible Indian resident a unique 12 digit identification number, along with recording their biometrics such as iris scan and fingerprints on a UIDAI database and the card is being rolled out to all such residents. Since 2016, identification no. If the remainder is 10 then the checksum digit is 1, otherwise it is the remainder itself. The number does not contain any information about the person to whom it is assigned (i.e. The ID card includes date of birth, a correlative number (population continuous number for nationals, greater than 80,000,000 for foreign-born residents), a photo, marital status, expiration date (an expired ID card is still valid for nationals), and a fingerprint. This is a remnant of Yugoslavia, a registry number that marked the birth zone: All Icelanders, as well as foreign citizens residing in Iceland and corporations and institutions, have an Icelandic identification number ("kennitala") identifying them in the national register. One prerequisite is that the applicant must already have a yellow house book.. Format IBAN Fields Comment b = National bank code s = Branch code x = National check digit c = Account number b = National bank code s = Branch code c = Account number b = National bank code c = Account number b = National bank code c = Account number b = National bank code c = Account number For numbers issued before 1990, the seventh and eighth digit identify the Swedish county of birth, with different digits for foreign-born people, but privacy-related criticism caused this system to be abandoned for new numbers. The first digit of the last seven digits is determined by the century of birth and the gender as follows: (For example, a male citizen who was born on 27 May 2001 is assigned the number 010527‒3******, and a female citizen which was born on 24 March 1975 is assigned the number 750324‒2******.). This passport-size document contains only 8 pages - the first page containing the national identification number (also in barcoded format), name of bearer, district or country of birth, as well as a photograph of the bearer. Besides this, the Citizen Card also replaced the previous Voter's Card, although not including the voter's number. The final number is a check-sum. Add with individual state code as per issue state a unique no of district. A South African person identification number is a 13-digit number containing only numeric characters, and no whitespace, punctuation, or alpha characters. There is no legal requirement in UK to obtain or carry any identification document or other proof of identity, however some form of identification is required for many things like renting a flat.[55]. The cardholder's name, nationality, gender and date of birth are printed on the card. This section provides an overview of domestic rules in the jurisdictions listed below governing the issuance, structure, use and validity of Tax Identification Numbers ("TIN") or their functional equivalents. These numbering concepts are national systems, organized by the Federal Central Tax Office. For special purpose further value-added tax identification numbers are issued for persons and organizations that are subject to paying VAT as a deduct from their revenues. For persons born prior to 1900, the month identifier (third and fourth digits) is increased by 20 (e.g. It consists of a 13-digit string in the format N-NNNN-NNNNN-NN-N, which is assigned at birth or upon receiving citizenship. [42], In Hungary, there is no national identification number. The New Zealand government is prohibited by law from creating a national identity number.[58]. - 90–99 – Province of Kosovo A South African ID number is a 13-digit number which is defined by the following format: YYMMDDSSSSCAZ. This mistake was corrected during the transition from SOFI to BSN by issuing a new number to people having a duplicate one. It is also used as a customer code by some companies like banks and insurance companies. People who do not permanently reside in Norway have been assigned a. '7': The predecessor of the ID card is Macau Identity Card, issued by Macau Public Security Police. by dropping the century sign and dividing the resulting nine-digit number by 31. The last digit (G) is an odd number for a male, while an even number is given for a female. In Poland, a Public Electronic Census System (Polish Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności - PESEL) number is mandatory for all permanent residents of Poland and for temporary residents living in Poland for over 2 months. A Personal Identity Code is given to every Finnish citizen born in Finland. The TAX Number represent the tax identification number and the account reference number of the billing company. Since 1992, the Identification Department (once known as SIM, now called DSI) has become the unitary authority to issue identity cards. Employees have a CUIL (assigned at the moment the DNI is created), and employers have a CUIT. The tax number is mainly used only for taxation purposes and is rarely used otherwise as compared to other countries. The number consists of 12 digits, and one is assigned to each resident of Japan, including non-Japanese long-term residents with valid residency permits. The driver's license continues to be an entirely separate document. The main difference between them is that a RUN is only assigned to natural persons, while juristic persons can only get a RUT number. Always call the Thai embassy in your area before you apply for the ID card as it has to be done in person unlike a birth registration abroad. Every citizen or permanent resident of Bulgaria has a unique 10-digit Uniform Civil Number (Bulgarian: Единен граждански номер, Edinen grazhdanski nomer, usually abbreviated as ЕГН, EGN), generated from the person's date of birth (encoded in six digits in the form YYMMDD), followed by a three-digit serial number and a single-digit checksum. Individual Identification Number is a 10 digit number issued by the tax administration. Private companies and public entities are assigned a RIF (Fiscal Information Registry) number for taxable purposes. 1: males, holding Korean nationality, born 1900–1999, 2: females, holding Korean nationality, born 1900–1999, 3: males, holding Korean nationality, born 2000–2099, 4: females, holding Korean nationality, born 2000–2099, 5: male foreigners sojourn in Korea, born 1900–1999, 6: female foreigners sojourn in Korea, born 1900–1999, 7: male foreigners sojourn in Korea, born 2000–2099, 8: female foreigners sojourn in Korea, born 2000–2099, 9: males, holding Korean nationality, born before 1900, 0: females, holding Korean nationality, born before 1900, SourcePIN: MDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZg== (24 bytes base64), ssPIN(BW): MswQO/UhO5RG+nR+klaOTsVY+CU= (28 bytes base64). During Portuguese rule, Macau had no unified identification system, and several departments had the authority to issue identity cards to Macau citizens and residents. This is the national individual identification number in … ), an 11-digit number with two trailing check digits. This was later unified in the DNI. It is composed of nine digits: a one-digit prefix, seven digits, and a final check digit. TAX number format: [C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13-C14 C15] Where C1 to C15 are digits. The Albanian Identity Number is a unique personal identification number of 10 characters in the format YYMMDDSSSC, where YYMMDD indicates the date of birth and sex (for males MM is 01-12, for females 50 is added to the month of birth so that MM is 51-62), SSS is a sequence number of persons born on the same date (001–999), and C is a checksum letter (A–W). In Albania, the Identity Number (Albanian: Numri i Identitetit (NID)) is issued by the Central Civic Registry Service (Ministry of Interior). The sign for the century is either + (1800–1899), - (1900–1999), or A (2000–2099). Compute the product of each digit of number obtianed in Step 1 multiplied by their positional coefficient. The replacing of the previous separate identification documents by the single Citizen Card is a gradual process, only being mandatory for a citizen, when one of his/her old documents expires. Look for a number with 11 digits containing your birthday in a year-month-date or date-month-year format. In the past, to each of the above identification numbers corresponded a separate identification document. The letters and numbers are not assigned arbitrarily. The last digit of serial number indicates gender: odd numbers are used for females and even numbers for males. The whole number must be divisible by 11. Government entities are numbered in a variety of ways, but since 2003 all government entities (however small) now have EAN numbers for billing purposes. This enables the application to communicate across sectors. The corresponding number for organizations, also issued by the tax administration, is named economy identification number (Wirtschafts-Identifikationsnummer). 054907XXXX denotes a person born on 7 September 2005). However, initially it was issued by regionally operating branches of the tax department which were all assigned ranges; in densely populated areas the assigned ranges would overflow thus causing duplicate numbers. It is a number not related to anything in particular about the person (except for immigrants who get assigned numbers starting at 92,000,000). The system is raising privacy concerns, since the age and the sex of the bearer can be decoded from the number. In Mexico, the ID number is called the CURP (Clave Única de Registro de Población) although the most important and accepted ID card would be the election card ("credencial de elector" or else "credencial del INE," as per the initials of "Instituto Nacional Electoral/National Institute of Elections, the institution responsible for electoral procedures). Upon reaching the age of 18, every citizen is reissued a citizenship card (Cédula de Ciudadanía), and the ID number on it is used and required in all instances, public and private. RUT (Registro único tributario) (taxpayer identification number). The letter usage (i.e., indicating the household registration location) is as follows: In Thailand, the Population Identification Code has been issued by the Department of Provincial Administration of the Ministry of Interior since 1976. This number can be calculated as: The checksum is calculated using this formula (provided here as JavaScript code): Recently (as of May 2015) there are plans to start issuing opaque codes instead, keeping the same overall format and checksum, but containing no personal information. Social security number is also unique. The RR sequence foreign nationals is 01. The number appears on identity documents issued by several countries. It is a unique 11-digit number consisting of the holder’s date of birth (first six digits) then three digits to differentiate people born on the same day (odd numbers 001-997 for men, 002-998 for women) and a final two digits calculated on the previous nine digits. It consists of a 13-digit string in the format N-NNNN-NNNNN-NN-N, which is assigned at birth or upon receiving citizenship. This Dutch Citizen Service Number will be used for many official procedures, including housing, work, studies, and taxes. CPR, Det Centrale Personregister) in Denmark is used in dealings with public agencies, from health care to the tax authorities. the Aadhar letter, downloaded Aadhar letter, PVC Card, Aadhar printed on paper or plastic cards or in any other approved mode shall have an equal acceptance and validity throughout India for all purposes, including identification. For females, the month of the date of birth is advanced by 50. PeopleSoft Global Payroll For Thailand 9.1 PeopleBook • The Thailand address format.Understanding National ID Types Global Payroll for Thailand provides three national ID types for Thailand users: National ID Type Description Short Description National ID Format TAX ID Tax Identification Number Tax ID 9999999999999 Its specification is related with the Austrian Citizen Card.[31]. This card includes the civil identification, the tax identification, the Social Security and the Healthcare user numbers, replacing the old corresponding identification cards. 7605300675088. Same as Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Hercegovina and North Macedonia. The number is stylised as LL NN NN NN L, for example AA 01 23 44 B. It takes up to 5 days to obtain a taxpayer identification number or tax ID in Ukraine. Thus, for instance, students who attend college or university will have their number (or other personal data) collected at registration - this will then be sent to Department of Social Protection to ensure that a student is not simultaneously claiming social welfare. Serbia uses a 13-number identification code Unique Master Citizen Number (Serbian: Јединствени матични број грађана/Jedinstveni matični broj građana, acronym JMBG). However, due to function creep, the number has become used for other purposes to the point where it is almost essential to have one to, among other things, open a bank account, obtain a credit card, or drive a car. Every company or organization also must have a RUT for taxation purposes. It was invented under the Vichy regime. A general letter of enquiry about a service appears to be sufficient for one to be logged and may be assigned without the letter writer's knowledge. electronic national ID card (with a chip), The standard identity card, which has the format A-999999 where A can be any of the 24 letters of the. NICs are not issued to non-citizens, but they too are required to carry some form of photo identification (such as a photocopy of their passport or foreign driving license). It will help you get your test identity ID Info online. Foreigners in Zimbabwe have their ID number with the district of origin as 00 meaning they are foreigners so their ID number would look like 12 345678 A00.

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