sodium ferrocyanide and vinegar

3:25 am. March 7, 2016 @ Thank you for your comment and debate! This guide will help in assessing the impact different chemicals may have on EPDM rubber. Bravo to you, and to the other commentators with a more profound grasp of the bigger picture, who support you in enabling us all to become properly informed as we seek to take back responsibility for our health rather instead of placing it in the hands to a largely corrupt medical profession. Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart: Check the chemical compatibility of Stainless Steel with various chemicals, solvents, alcohols and other products.. Shop Stainless Steel. It will be purified by the process of crystallising out the different salts one at a time, in the same way that Sodium chloride is purified. 80526. Botox is made from a natural bacteria botulinum, that can also kill you if you eat it, but its natural so why shouldn’t we use it? Godfrey, I saw that too and laughed! is a board-certified Chiropractic Physician and Life Coach who also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology, and a minor in Medical Research. Well, “keep your shirt on,” I’ll tell you. Improper excretion of aluminum can lead to deposits in the brain, bone, liver, heart, spleen, and muscle. Thanks for your comment and the cool “did you know” tidbit! So what is different about getting water from a pond and collecting the steam or oxidizing Hydrogen it will still be water. Hello Octopus, on the contrary sea salt absolutely contains traces of cyanide, as well as most seeds from many fruits (aka..apricot seeds, the real cure for cancer in lieu of “safe” chemo and radiation). Of course, if you reduce the amount of processed food you eat, shred your own cheese, and put rice/grains in packaged goods you’ll have nothing to worry about. A lot of the salt from here is pink, from iron oxide staining. Cyanide compounds are cyanide compounds. Sugar substitutes are by definition taking the place of real sugars thus are not synthetic. This is a quote from my undergrad chemistry book Concepts in transition metal chemistry. Optional - select another category (Material, Chemical, or Rating) to narrow your results for a specific combination or compatibility rating. If this in any way offends you, then my guess is that this (or any other) Holistic Website/blog isn’t for you. Other substances are added to food in harmful quantities, either intentionally, or due to accidental contamination. As you ponder the question of whether to use table salt or sea salt, let’s look at some vital information that these “experts” failed to report. 6. Of particular importance for strong-field ligands are empty π-bonding orbitals whose energy is close to that of the metal d orbitals such as the 2pπ*in CO and CN–. Yes, sodium is a toxic metal which will burn a hole right though you! Minerals are distinct reoccurring crystal structures. JackDoe’s comment ““sea salt” is just seawater where the water is allowed to evaporate” is addressed below. Jonathan Sorry, couldn’t disagree more regarding synthetic and natural occurring recognized the same by the body. So cyanide in table salt is okay? You say…”To address synthetics such as medicine and other chemicals, are things made to be the exact thing they are replicating. Online Holistic Health Cancer and Alzheimer’s are not “age related” conditions. , MedChemist It won’t get out. I say this from experience of producing sea salt in East Africa. Lol. The other 2-4% of very varied minerals is in such tiny amounts that they make NO difference to your nutrition if you’re eating normal foods, which contain far more of these minerals. NO to Dangerous Apricot Seeds: Yes to Safer Chemotherapy! Though some, such as stevia, are not synthetic…others, also known as “artificial sugars” have been created in labs (not found in nature) – thus synthetic. So cyanide in table salt is okay?” The poisonous nature of CO and CN− arises from the strong bonds they form to iron in haemoglobin and other important molecules in the body. I’d actually try investing some time into learning how chemistry works before you go and spout nonsense like this. Or, again, harmless, in the presence of divalent iron, which is the case in table salt sold in supermarkets in North America. The claim that natural occurring cyanide is some how less of a problem than that fixed in a compound is a literal inversion of the science. Salt is sodium chloride. Take another look at the food additives listed above. After all, we’re still learning. Thank you for your comment! 10:19 pm. Is rock salt the purest salt? A – EXCELLENT. I am over the moon that you managed to overcome your illnesses and this is great. 10:25 am. In a typical healthy meal, the minerals in your vegetables will far outweigh the same minerals in even heavy salting of the meal. I’m also interested if ‘Dr’ Michelle Kmiec could explain the chemical difference between synthetic iodine and naturally occurring iodine and how they have different effects on the body. Just because there’s plutonium and them other names in don’t mean natures own salt would kill us can you actually get sick drinking ocean water? But there are two points that you make that I 100% agree with you – no additives (multiple caking agents and don’t forget – cyanide. Another option would be to put grains in products to absorb the moisture that causes caking. November 20, 2015 @ Additives And I fully recovered and cured myself without the need of medications or “conventional medicine wisdom”. do you not realise that we can cure infectious diseases (malaria, TB etc.) I want to thank you for your research on food and food additives. 8:35 pm, THANK YOU…..SEEMS SO OFTEN A LOSING BATTLE, ESPECIALLY WHEN ONE ASKS AND THEN PROCEEDS TO (ed. I am a holistic doctor with far more training in nutrition than medical doctors. February 10, 2016 @ Things either evolve(modify) or die. Are you able to explain to me how much processing it takes for a substance to be synthetic in your opinion? October 2, 2017 @ But most pink sea salt I see on the market is perfectly un-clumped just like regular table salt. So you think… that just because there is cyanide in a salt that that means it’s bad? I think that your attitude in terms of improving ones diet by ensuring that you eat enough food that is not overly processed is valid. Thanks, I wanted to know what to add to my home-made sea salt to stop it clumping. Yes I agree with what you say, I didn’t mean everything in nature, that would be absurd but you get my drift. As an example, the synthetically produced drug methamphetamine was once not known to occur naturally, but it is now known to occur in some plants. Well I wanted to know the truth about salt and I think I got it, thanks to you all, especially the chemists and scientific persons who contributed to this subject. October 1, 2014 @ The body cannot tell the difference between two chemically identical compounds because it only reacts with them chemically, and many people have lived very long lives with artificial devices in their body, pacemakers, bone splints, artificial joints. I find such selective testing very suspicious. Same with me. For example, if trace minerals are deficient, then other substances and enzymes will not work properly. 8:07 am. I’m with you on this Michelle – cut out the garbage.and live. And those people with degrees in chemistry saying that Sodium Ferrocyanide is safe… lol… what happens when it’s mixed with an acid? Perfect health. Also, this iodine is radioactive (I-123) and used in the clinical imaging of diseases. It can be separated by boiling acid, but if you have boiling acid inside you, then you are already dead! October 8, 2016 @ Hello Conrad! Which tells me that the best thing to do is buy a rock of salt and put it in a home grinder. A search was conducted for a satisfactory substitute for potassium ferrocyanide in removing copper from wine to prevent formation of copper casse, at present the most important problem in wine stabilization. BTW, I am 53, fat, smoke continentur, IQ145, and as fit and springy as a teen almost. For example, the seeds of apricots are ant-cancer. Hello Visteo! January 18, 2016 @ Hello Dr. Kmiec! August 5, 2016 @ So that is my opinion and I thank you for respecting that. October 9, 2016 @ Bing All the other food additives in food give me severe migraines so I have to prepare my own food and stay away from most processed foods. 9:29 am, You sound passionate and a bit angry. Now just to make a point this sounded like another one of those propaganda articles until I started reading the first or so paragraph, and there it went downhill all the way to the gmo’s and all. I am surely not alone in all my findings, thank goodness! Michelle, I am very curious to know how you define natural and artificial. Sea salt is usually white. You can respond directly on my email at, susan at Dancing Waters website.) Little difference, except for additives – which must, by law, be declared on the pack. ... Chromic Acid Makeic Acid Vinegar Chlorine (Dry) Milk Water Chlorine (Water) Mineral Oil Whiskey Chromium Salts Molasses Wine Funny how much Washington looks like Rome, or the Govt. C- Fair. 7:56 am, “Health food enthusiasts ought know that sodium chloride itself (that’s table salt) is made up of the extremely reactive sodium, which can explode in water – and chlorine – which was used as a poison gas in World War 1! I wish you all the best – keep eating healthy, just don’t mislead people. Hello, Thanks for the chemistry! Hi Jonathan! Many experts seem to freak out when established lies are opposed. 3:57 pm, Hello Marina! Maybe not always I guess. And if sea salt may have impurities like radioactive isotopes, pray tell how these may be removed in refining? 1:12 pm. Peace and health to you as well! YOU are indeed an inspiration!!! Homeopathy is complete nonsense. Hardly – it’s just rust. –  The Podcast that Makes Sense Out of the Crazy, to Help You Live a More Healthy, Fulfilling and Empowering Life! All anyone has to do is look for sea salt with no additives, it’s that simple. This is due to what I eat… or more importantly, what I don’t eat. Now just to be clear, the article was not about the color of salt (as I just mentioned) because if that were the case, then I’d have to mention that salt, depending on the region it is mined from, can actually be almost any color including black, red, blue, and yes even white! But you’d also be very sick from hypertension from such oversalting, and much more likely to succumb to a cardiovascular event like stroke or MCI. Given that our seas are used as a industrial waste (ie electronics factories) toxic dump especially in coastal waters. I don’t think so. 10:21 pm, I am curious about an apparent aversion for particular testing results published by the WHO on sodium ferrocyanide. 7:48 pm. I hate that the general public gets hand fed these bullshit ideas and go on to make it harder for real science to progress, but I guess if we didn’t pursue a career of science we’d be in the same boat of ignorance as everyone else. Correlation does not mean causation. 5:52 am. Dr. Michelle Kmiec March 20, 2015 @ Are they deliberately avoiding testing E535 in the body because they know that acid adds a Hydrogen to the equation with the likelihood of producing Cyanide Gas, poisonous to the body? Budavari, S. However that was not the topic of that particular article. While it’s true that sea salt may have 50+ good trace elements, what about the bad trace elements like Mercuy, Cadmium, etc that no doubt are present in sea water? How were they able to do this? Would putting water in a glass bottle, then putting that bottle in a camp fire and collecting the steam make it artificial? It IS possible to get total sea salt, produced by completely evaporating the water from seawater – but I can’t find it; I have to make my own by evaporating a bucket of seawater. I also respect yours and wish you the best health! Though, those are not as common as finding pink sea salt. 1:03 pm. Thanks and I agree with you. Just from a biological point of view, your body does not distinguish between iodide harvested from nature (like from seawater), and iodide synthesized in a lab by reducing iodine crystals with a metal to make the corresponding metal iodide. the only sweeteners which don’t give migraines are sugar, Stevia, or honey. Which is no to say we would eat bugs and worms, but hey….when in Rome…. Guide to Impact of Chemicals on EPDM Rubber. Table salt, bread made by cbp, formed meat, sugar… etc… it’s bad for you!! Once that has crystallized out, the brine has only minor chemicals in it, and as these also tend to be bitter-tasting, little is allowed to be harvested with the common salt. Is there a grey area where it is processed more than what you call “natural” but less than what you call “synthetic” ? WISH TO DEBATE, Ture Since I recovered my health (no thanks to all of this so-called scientific wisdom), I think I will stick with what is natural! . Once again, thank you, Michelle, for your honesty and persistence. I just wanted to know what the caking agents in salt were made of and if they were in fact going to kill me or make me sick. If you were to use “I stopped eating ‘unnatural’ products and I was cured therefore the cause was the unnatural products” do you think that would hold up in a scientific journal? Your email address will not be published. The LD50 for sodium chloride (table salt) is 3 grams per kilogram of body weight. 3:44 am. Sodium ferrocyanide is a separating agent that is being used more and more frequently, which is used in table salt or, in general, in salts as a so-called “giant aid” or “separating agent”. 8:44 am. That is until we find out the newest thing that’s going to kill us. 1 = Satisfactory to 72°F (22°C) 2 = Satisfactory to 120°F (48°C) The chart below provides an alphabetical list of chemicals along with our best general recommendations regarding their compatibility with our “KD”® Ceramic Tweezer Tips. 9:00 am. Besides, there is no shortage of shills who will try to support their suppositions with science, but we all know where that leads – all the dangerous stuff was once upon a time approved by the “authorities” until the “science” was exposed to be specious and often bald faced lies. But thanks! Just look at artificial sugars and artificial food dyes and the health issues that occur because of them. Not the minute quantities that would be found in sea salt. All the fearmongering aside, you should just pass on the salt. Your email address will not be published. Retrieved from, United States Food and Drug Administration (2016). Once the salt had gone, the residue, which had ‘lost its savour’, was worthless. For me, I choose health. Personally I consider almost all substances to be natural. The difference is, it is from a natural source and not from a lab as a by product of processing. Please keep up your work which is good in my eyes. The LD50 for potassium ferrocyanide is 6.4 grams per kilogram of body weight. I do buy and eat table salt with this additive, and I’ve taught chemistry at University level for 25 years. It is a yellow crystalline solid that is soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol. She has taught science courses at the high school, college, and graduate levels. It is time for a Sea Change, and Sea Salt – together with its silent but potent testimony to the world-wide Biblical Flood and its causes and sequelae – is certainly not an inappropriate place to start. While certain types alternative medicine can be more comforting for some and be mildly effective in mild ailments, that fact that practitioners such as yourself try to claim that modern medicine and science are unnatural so must be bad so you should stick to alternative medicine is utterly ridiculous and many of the practices are ridiculous in their own right e.g. Do you not think the if you were to concentrate the cyanide in apricot seeds then you would die providing there is enough cyanide extracted? Dr. Michelle Kmiec 3:23 pm. October 28, 2017 @ JD February 13, 2021 @ There is nothing more pollutant heavy than sea salt. August 27, 2015 @ It’s really quite simple isn’t it? It’s sold to gullible health addicts at an outrageous price, as it it’s special. So to recap, table salt, which once came from the ocean, has been stripped of all nutrition, and now contains processed sodium chloride fortified with synthetic iodine, anti-caking food additives, and cyanide. They all come from the earth. We do make synthetic iodine, but it requires a cyclotron, and the produced amounts are on nanogram scale. Also your use of the term “minerals” is troublesome. I could have a doctorate in Computer Science, I wouldn’t go around calling myself Dr when talking about food science. 8:45 am. A lot of road salt is rock salt with less refining than even food grade rock salt! 2:36 am. Diethanolamine S Sodium Ferrocyanide Sat’d L Diglycolic Acid (30%) L Sodium Fluoride Sat’d L Di-Isobutyl Ketone S Sodium Hydroxide Conc. Cyanide is cyanide. As for the anti caking? Why pink for the sake of this particular article? 12:42 am. CO To say that a Cyanide salt is safe is actually nonsense. Sorry, but your credibility went out the door with your comment on cyanide. Jsrrod Gunnar Gervin Until sea salt can be certified organic, I am quite comfortable and more long-term trusting in the minimal use of chelated cyanide rock salt. What’s up doc? 1. Sodium ferrocyanide with the abbreviation E535 improves the flow properties of the salt and makes it … Almost all sea salts in stores are selectively manufactured, by passing the brine through a series of ponds/chambers (depending whether it’s an outdoors or indoors salt factory) to crystallize out different minerals at different concentrations of solids in the brine. Tom Twain April 29, 2016 @ and speed up the recovery of many others? Online Holistic Health EPA Chemicals under the TSCA. Both of whom have either worked in or owned health food stores. These “trace minerals” include impurities, and the many other things that should be listed on the label of sea salt but aren’t. Just because it sounds like chemistry doesn’t mean it is inherently artificial and dangerous. I’m going to stick with the “cleaned up” table salt for my food. Using minerals and chemicals to control and subjugate populations is by no means new. Natural or synthetic, most cyanide compounds (with the exclusion of ferrocyanides and a few others) are toxic. Just like He made every medicine we will ever probably need, f we but listen to our inner guide. Chemical suppliers and manufacturers typically produce sodium acetate by reacting acetic acid (vinegar) with sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate; it can also be produced without any special equipment by simply mixing vinegar and baking soda 2 3.If sodium hydroxide is used in its manufacture, production can pose some hazards since sodium hydroxide is a … October 13, 2014 @ So how does this commonly available, commercial sea salt compare with rock salt? Cyanocobalamin vs. Methylcobalamin: Which is Best? janice manucci End of. Furthermore, the increasing health problems such as cancer, autoimmune, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc indirectly prove my point. Material. I am healthier now than I was then. Otherwise, how would I explain the fact that whenever I ate something that contained artificial sugar, including “sucrose”, which has been widely used in healthy bars and other supplements, I would have terrible migraines headaches. It sounds like you used to have a diet that was lacking in some important nutrients and after eating more nutritious food you benefitted hugely. What will happen to the ferrocyanide ($\ce{Fe(CN)_6}$) molecules during the electrolysis process? Go back and study the origins of chemical pharmacology and you find primarily Germans and Catholics who drew from ancient Roman sources. Other grains can be used, but if that grain is wheat or a wheat hybrid you are introducing a new allergen to the product. And let me tell you, the countless falsehoods found in many so-called research studies is nothing short of criminal. Be sure to look for the phrase, “50+ Trace Minerals”. Just saying. I also want to make it clear that I do not think that all chemicals are safe to consume. And those pollutants do not need to be on the label. I couldn’t disagree more. Hawk Thankfully, there are several different ways to prevent limescale deposits in your dishwasher, one of which involves the use of dishwasher salt. Synthetic diamonds(Lab diamonds) are the same as natural occurring ones only one was made in a lab and can actual be better than its natural friend.”. I hope you can clarify this issue for me. Others have tried to explain this to you already, but I thought it would interest the casual reader to know that I too would partake so gastronomically. January 18, 2016 @ Rock salt’s mineral content remains intact Nice story, but why are most if not all salt’s sold in shops, except of table salt have no iodine added ??? Is there a maggot in there?” Then, upon further review, you realize it is a grain of rice and think, “Wow, I’m paranoid” … or is that just me? Dr. Michelle Kmiec So my advice to readers on this site is to keep your salt intake fairly low (VERY low if you’re hypertensive) and choose any inexpensive source of purified or raw sea salt or rock salt – there’s little difference between them. This entire site was a DELIGHT to read! David Salt, Homemade Weed Killer. 4:21 pm. Why is it the same as your pink sea salt here. (Google Street Level now has a lot of pictures of the mine with its tourist visitor centre, and Khrewa town, showing enormous piles of the pink salt – half a billion dollars’ worth at the ten dollars an ounce in those Health Stores!). Fortunately, the talc used in the U.S has been asbestos-free for many years. April 29, 2017 @ 9:05 pm. Kosher salt is healthy since it contains no additives as compared to iodized salt. Except it’s not.

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