questionnaire on air pollution in yes or no

Malaysians are the group of people being affected and controlled by the government’s regulations, plans and incentives, thus targeting Malaysians only provides the authors with a more applied view on attitudes towards environmental protection, especially with regards to factors related to taxes (as measured by some of the items in the survey). c. There is no control condition. 10. Furthermore, over 50% of the sample also indicated a lack of initiative unless everyone does the same (“There is no point in doing what I can for the environment unless everyone does the same”). Facility engineering personnel with expertise in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and air handlers have evaluated how this option is applied to ensure no over pressurization of return air or unwanted deviations exists in design of air flow in the zone. This was to ascertain that all questions could be correctly interpreted and rationally answered. What do the SECC want to see happening in relation to electricity cut offs? Household vehicle ownership was high among the entire sample (95.6%), with 80.7% of vehicles using petrol as fuel. 9. Dilip Thapa. Do electricity cut-offs cause pollution problems in the Townships? No internet connection Yes – dial-up connection Yes – broadband connection Yes – other (include internet access through mobile phone, etc.) Yes A higher score indicates a more positive attitude. As a consequence, various human activities in these countries now emit harmful particulates (often defined as PM10 or PM2.5) and gases (e.g. These need to be addressed more comprehensively in future studies. Further studies will be necessary to assess the importance of changing economic conditions for such attitudes, and also to assess how Malaysian respondents compare with those from other countries (e.g. Project administration, In 11 of the cities (35%) the effects (including health effects) of polluted air are known. Nonetheless, we found that certain segments of the sample (people owning more than three vehicles per household and those with relatives who suffered from respiratory diseases) were significantly more willing to personally pay for environmental protection compared to others. In Section B.1, respondents were required to rank the significance of four factors based on what they think contributes most to the air pollution at their respective place of residence. Studies conducted in Malaysia on air pollution have mainly focused on the environmental and atmospheric aspects of pollution, particularly with a focus on quantifying the level and nature of pollutants [[9], [10], rather than the social aspect of pollution investigating topics such as citizens’ attitudes. [38]. ozone, nitrogen dioxide) and thus severely pollute the air [2]. The Clean Air Strategy 2019 (“the Strategy”) states that air pollution is the top environmental risk to human health in the UK. 4 days ago NamanSharma271. No, Is the Subject Area "Psychological attitudes" applicable to this article? Awareness of environmental problems has been shown to be positively correlated with factors such as age, education level, health conditions and parenthood in various studies conducted in developing countries such as Indonesia [36], Turkey [37], Malaysia [38] and China [39]. Remember to count everyone who lives in your household, including young children, newborns and any relatives or others. This work, however, requires the improvement of existing solutions, the introduction of new ones, including those based on good cities’ practices, as well as  constant care. Contributed equally to this work with: The Thick of It is a British sitcom, satirising the inner workings of modern government, that finished its fourth (and final) series in October 2012. We found a large minority (45%) overtly prioritizing economic growth over environmental protection (“The economic growth of Malaysia is currently more important than environmental protection”) and a larger number of respondents (55%) agreeing or strongly agreeing that “In order to protect the environment, Malaysia needs economic growth”. No dependent variable is specified. Thus, the five items composing WTP were treated as a scale, and, with regards to this scale, inferential statistics was used in addition to descriptive statistics to produce more insightful results. Overall, the pattern of the respondents’ choice was not significantly different in the two study sites (χ2 = 0.539, df = 212, p > .05; Fig 3). These regulatory approaches act to mitigate and supervise pollutants (including particulates, ozone and nitrogen dioxide) emitted from different sectors [24]. | Obtenez rapidement une liste adaptée de programmes et services gouvernementaux pour votre entreprise : fonds, conseils, etc. IM respondents also reported a smaller percentage of ‘family members being hospitalized due to air pollution’ as compared to KV (10.3% vs 15.5%), though this difference was not statistically significant (p > .05). Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. 8. No, Is the Subject Area "Malaysia" applicable to this article? An average ‘awareness’ score was then calculated for every respondent.,, The air in the Klang Valley was perceived to be slightly more polluted and causing greater health issues. Conceptualization, • India has made one of the fastest progress in the world, inaddressing its environmental. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It follows that government efforts to enhance air quality in Malaysia will be helped by an improved understanding of the awareness and support for environmental protection among the country’s citizens. In this context Malaysia is delicately positioned, with its citizens having experienced rapid development over several decades, but with recent economic instability causing doubts about achieving a long-stated goal of ‘developed nation’ status by 2020 [67]. This economically beneficial development process, however, has also polluted the atmosphere (see [9]), especially in conurbations (e.g. Political events of recent years in Malaysia, such as the 1MDB scandal, may have reduced public faith in government [73], which is reflected in the lower willingness-to-pay towards environmental protection through government taxation. 1040 Brussels (BELGIUM), Transparency Register Number: The awareness scores among different demographic variables was statistically tested and is summarized in Table 3. Most respondents rated the atmospheric condition at their residential areas as ‘somewhat polluted but causes no harm’, with 66% from IM and 65% from KV being positive towards the air quality (Fig 1). Yunn Shin Jocelyne Chin, Data Availability: All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files. However, when we analysed the sample responses against a false statement “respiratory diseases were the leading cause of death among Malaysians”, we found similar patterns among both aforementioned subsamples, with a higher percentage of them believing respiratory diseases were the primary lethal cause in Malaysia (Fig 4). Newsletter sign up. There is no guarantee that you will find a good subject to explore, but you can draw inspiration to come up with your own idea. e0212206. Room exhaust containing waste anesthetic gases should not be recirculated to other areas of the hospital. [49]) emphasizing the centrality of practical everyday experiences in shaping such perceptions. PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, 30. From funding to advice, everything you need. For instance, non-Malaysian individuals could have moved to Malaysia too recently (or plan to stay for a too short amount of time) to be really affected by the air pollution. However, if public perception towards the government changes with regards to the newly elected administration, it may be possible that WTP in this context will increase to match WTP in the other contexts. PLoS ONE 14(3): This study presents a cross-sectional survey conducted in … Most military households are responsible for responding to the 2020 Census on their own if they are stationed or living in the United States. Similarly, Awang et al. The employment status of the entire sample was primarily student (46.3%) or full-time worker (30.8%). The 24 hours urine collection from the sunset yellow rats contained 40% of the molar equivalents of sulfanilic acid.Intact dye in … Section C was an Environmental protection attitude questionnaire composed of 18 statements on a 5-point Likert scale, including statements created by the researcher and statements adapted from the International Social Survey Programme ( 1993 & 2000, World Values Survey ( Wave 2, 4, 5 & 6, and De Pretto et al. For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click These are the key findings from the survey: Hope for the future? As in many nations, air pollution linked to rapid industrialization is a public health and environmental concern in Malaysia, especially in cities., Editor: Carla A. Ng, University of Pittsburgh, UNITED STATES, Received: August 7, 2018; Accepted: January 29, 2019; Published: March 14, 2019. Questionnaires filled out by respondents who are not residing in KV or IM (a total of 38) were also deemed ineligible. This is consistent with previous studies that, applying the theory of planned behaviour [28] to environmental problems, found gaps both in the relation between awareness and attitude [38, 59] and between attitude and behaviour [60, 61, 62], suggesting the investigation of additional variables that could fill the gaps. Despite some respondents’ emphasis on economic growth, many are willing to pay for environmental (here specifically atmospheric) protection. Citation: Chin YSJ, De Pretto L, Thuppil V, Ashfold MJ (2019) Public awareness and support for environmental protection—A focus on air pollution in peninsular Malaysia. Bazrbachi et al. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) #BanPaparazzi – will not post paparazzi photos Further studies should consider the use of new items, specifically developed for and tested in the Malaysian context, in order to develop a Malaysian scale for support of environmental protection. Writing – review & editing, Affiliations We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We also asked questions on the relationship between economic growth and environmental protection. [40], a scale aiming to investigate attitude should comprise three components–conative, affective and cognitive. Coordinating work on the Commission’s zero-pollution ambition, adopting a wide-ranging approach covering air, water, and noise pollution across key sectors. The ‘awareness of air pollution’ was defined by the awareness score obtained from the respondents. Yes District of Columbia statehood Section A, on Background and demographic descriptors, was composed of 13 questions to obtain sociodemographic information from the respondents. As suggested by Maloney et al. Respondents who had respiratory disease or had been hospitalized showed no significant difference in overall awareness level compared to those who did not (p > .05, Table 3). Yes Iskandar Malaysia (IM hereafter), occupies the southern tip of Peninsular Malaysia facing the island nation of Singapore, and includes the city of Johor Bahru and surrounding municipal areas. People will be counted where they live and sleep most of the time as of April 1, 2020 (Census Day). The survey was performed for a total of 80 days between November 2016 and January 2017. Air pollution in Poland’s largest cities reaches the highest levels in the entire European Union. b. Nine cities have no such knowledge. The survey consisted of three sections, where we collected sociodemographic information, information on the public perception of air quality and the causes of air pollution, information on public awareness of air pollution and its related impacts, and information on attitudes towards environmental protection. As mentioned previously, these items had properties that allowed it to be treated as a scale (Fig 5c). Diagnosing the cause of breathlessness. You can find ATMs for TD, BMO, RBC and HSBC on Broadway between Laurel and Cambie. In total, 327 responses were collected. Female respondents had significantly lower awareness than males (3.8 ± 1.7 vs. 4.3 ± 1.6, p < .05). Understanding awareness of air pollution and support for environmental protection from the general public is essential for informing governmental approaches to dealing with this problem. This result corroborates previous studies, which found that respondents with pollution-related health problems were more eager to improve air quality [31, 58]. The survey was conducted in two languages, English and Malay, and administered through the online survey research software, Qualtrics. Writing – review & editing, * E-mail:, Affiliations The main “culprits”  of this situation are low-stack emissions  (emissions from individual heating installations burning solid fuels) and road transport. The lowest agreement and therefore highest pro-environmental scores were seen in responses to questions that downplayed environmental protection, such as “In order to protect the environment, Malaysia needs economic growth” (mean = 3.40) and “Malaysia’s government has to reduce atmospheric pollution, but it should not cost me any money” (mean = 3.40), with less than 25 percent of respondents agreeing or strongly agreeing with either of these statements (Fig 5b). We initially intended to develop a scale for measuring the level of support for environmental protection. This survey collects feedback about the reasons that cause environmental pollution and the … Identifying the population of interest and developing a sampling strategy. Nevertheless, despite most respondents (65%) believing that pollution from vehicles endangers health, only a minority (31%) reported often reducing driving for environmental reasons. Supervision, [10]; [47]; [48]). More than 80 percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with both of these statements (Fig 5a). This information was used to discard these four participants from the study. Section B was in two parts. For example, respondents who tend to report the atmospheric condition as ‘severely polluted’ were more likely to have children (χ2 = 12.272, df = 3, p = .007; Fig 2a). No, Is the Subject Area "Environmental protection" applicable to this article? The mean (±SD) awareness score of the entire sample was 4.1 ± 1.7 (respondents’ score range = 0 to 9, due to the negative scoring applied for incorrect answers). Mean scores that were closest to neutral were statements that required individual action on the part of the respondent, such as “I often cut back on driving a car for environmental reasons” (mean = 3.01), or “I do not mind an increase in taxes if the extra money is used to prevent further atmospheric pollution” (mean = 3.01), where less than 40 percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with these statements (Fig 5c). The survey was then distributed via Qualtrics with the use of an anonymous link through social media platforms and personal networks. in the vast majority of cities (94%), the policies and strategies also include combating pollution generated by road transport. Trump has provided "little detail regarding his positions on disability-related policies," and his campaign website made no mention of disabled people. Overall this is a mixed set of responses, but there appears to be at least some support for the idea that Malaysia’s economic development demands some environmental sacrifices. These environmental effects, combined with socioeconomic and health impacts, have caused international political concern among the member nations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) over the haze [18, 19]. However, there was a slight increase of respondents from KV who perceived their air as ‘severely polluted’ (11%) compared to IM (5%). The online questionnaire was designed in two languages: English and Malay, in order to ensure that targeted respondents were able to comfortably answer the questions with their preferred language. The intention was to examine general support for environmental protection and willingness-to-pay (WTP) towards environmental protection pertinent to air pollution. However, willingness-to-pay was substantially reduced in the form of tax payment, indicating selective preferences in the nature of payment mechanisms [69, 70]. Yes [55] support this finding, yet others contain opposing results [56, 57]. This is somewhat surprising because unhealthy air appears to be globally pervasive [46], and in Malaysia, there is particularly strong evidence of harmful levels of pollution in KV (e.g. School of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia, Roles by European Public Health Alliance | Feb 25, 2021 | #CleanAirHealthyCities, Clean Air | Analysis & Opinion, Guest Article: Lubomira Wengler, Project Manager, the Polish Society for Health Programs. here. In various studies, this WTP for environmental protection has been linked to affluence [33, 34, 35]. Another statement that required individual action had substantially higher agreement from respondents, “I would contribute part of my income if I were certain that the money would be used to prevent atmospheric pollution” (mean = 3.52), with nearly 60 percent of respondents either agreeing or strongly agreeing with it (Fig 5c). Vulnerability to air pollution might have influenced perception in respondents. 4.1 There shall be no new recruitment of child labour. As suggested by Inglehart [25], the success of government efforts and policies designed to resolve environmental issues can only be achieved with citizens’ support for environmental protection. Studies of public perception, awareness, and attitudes (including WTP) towards air pollution are rare in Malaysia. ... No independent variable is specified. In relation to this, our results suggest that a relation between awareness of environmental issues (which could be gained through education) and opinions in favour of environmental protection does exist, but is rather weak. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This mild negative scoring system was used to distinguish participants who did not know the answer and those who made an error. Respondents who stated that they or their family members have had respiratory disease were more likely to view air quality as ‘somewhat polluted and causes harm’ and ‘severely polluted’ (χ2 = 5.355, df = 3, p = 0.148; Fig 2b), and those being hospitalized showed a larger and statistically significant difference in perception of air quality (χ2 = 15.105, df = 3, p = 0.002; Fig 2c). [21]). The highest agreement and therefore lowest pro-environmental scores were seen in responses to statements that framed these issues as beyond the scope of an individual’s action, such as “Malaysians worry too much about industrial development polluting the atmosphere and degrading human’s health” (mean = 2.65) and “Nothing can be done by me or my family / friends to improve the current atmospheric situation” (mean = 2.36), with a majority of respondents agreeing or strongly agreeing with these statements (Fig 5b). Respondents from KV tend to have higher education level and were more likely to have more vehicles in the household, as compared to IM’s respondents. The proportion of Chinese, Malay and Indian races was approximately 5:4:1. 2 days ago Partha Char. There was no significant difference among the awareness level of populations from KV and IM (p > .05, Table 3). Investigation, The populations from KV and IM differed significantly in only two demographic parameters. See also In The Loop, a spin-off feature film. There is a Scotiabank ATM located nearby at City Square Shopping Centre. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. For this reason, results will be mainly presented based on descriptive (rather than inferential) statistics. Pollution is controlled in Malaysia through various environmental policies and laws, such as the Environmental Quality Act 1974, with subsidiary legislation such as the Malaysian Ambient Air Quality Standard 2013, Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014, and the like. Is the Subject Area "Air pollution" applicable to this article? This study examined urban Malaysians’ perceptions of air pollution at their place of residence, their awareness of the causes and impacts of air pollution, their opinions on air pollution, and their willingness to pay for environmental protection. Mindset Interdisciplinary Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia, Malay, Chinese and Indian, present in the survey areas. Data curation, Around two thirds of respondents from both KV and IM were generally positive about air quality where they live, believing the air to be either “not polluted at all” or “somewhat polluted but causes no harm”. As mentioned in the results, while the respondents were largely in agreement with a statement that they deeply cared about the environment (“Taking care of the environment is something I really care about”) and were understanding that actions to combat air pollution would not come without some personal cost (“Malaysia’s government has to reduce atmospheric pollution but it should not cost me any money”), they were also sceptical of actions that could be taken at an individual level to meaningfully combat air pollution (“Nothing can be done by me or my family / friends to improve the current atmospheric situation”). This survey was created via an online research software, Qualtrics (Qualtrics LLC, Provo, UT, USA) in the form of a self-administered questionnaire. Overall, the majority of respondents were aware that motor vehicles represent the primary pollution source, yet private transport was still the preferred choice of transportation mode. The mean scores for the statements for environmental protection were all greater than 3.0 (neutral), with the strongest agreement observed for general statements, such as “Educating younger generations about the knowledge of environmental protection (e.g. Electric vehicles and air pollution: the claims and the facts, Dr Milka Sokolović joins EPHA as new Director-General, HERA should be independent and autonomous with a clear public health mission, EPHA says, Joint letter I Steps needed to meet the EU ban on routine use of antimicrobials in animal farming, Open Letter I The new CAP needs Social Conditionality, Landmark agreement for children on #ESFPlus, but still much to do to tackle poverty and social inclusion, child and health NGOs say, Increasing our options for cancer treatment in Europe. Non-Malaysian residents were excluded from the study, based on considerations related to methods and implications of the study. As in many nations, air pollution linked to rapid industrialization is a public health and environmental concern in Malaysia, especially in cities. Formal analysis, No, PLOS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, #C2354500, based in San Francisco, California, US,,, 31 of them responded. [15]; [16]), for about two weeks of the two-month period of September–October 2015, the fires producing the haze were also emitting up to 20 million tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent per day, surpassing the entire output of the United States for that period [17]. +32 (0) 474 32 19 18, European Alliance for Responsible R&D and Affordable Medicines Coordinator, AMR Stakeholder Network : Call for good practices to tackle antimicrobial resistance, MEPs Fight AMR: AMR in the environment: From monitoring to action, MEPs Fight AMR: Tackling the dependence of EU food systems on antimicrobials, MEPs Fight AMR: Fixing the antibiotic innovation pipeline, MEP Interest Group on AMR Official Launch, Joining the Dots: Tackling Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and Antimicrobial Resistance in Europe, Preventing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), WEBINAR | New opportunities for health in European food & agricultural policies, Leveraging Healthy and Sustainable Diets Through Agricultural Policy Reform.

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