pronoun reference examples

Unclear pronoun reference occurs when a pronoun (often "it," "this," "that," or "they") could refer to more than one antecendent in a sentence.An antecedent is simply the word (or words) that a pronoun refers to. b) Make pronoun reference exact. It is called 'reference' because the pronoun 'refers' back (but sometimes forward) to a noun or noun phrase previously stated. Lesson 1: Pronoun References. Types of Pronouns. John lost his cell phone. Generally, a pronoun takes the place of a particular noun. • understand the use of pronoun references. a) Place pronouns as close to their antecedents as possible. A pronoun is a word which is used in place of a proper noun or a common noun. Pronoun Agreement & Reference. Pronouns can be divided into numerous categories including: Its antecedent is the entire preceding sentence. Whenever we use a pronoun, we should determine the noun to which it is referring to make sure it is agreeing. A. kitchen, which made B. kitchen. You can solve the problem in various ways, including changing the sentence structure or eliminating the pronoun, as in the following sentences. These are examples of ambiguous pronoun references, which will confuse and frustrate readers. Avoid most pronoun reference problems by following these rules: Make pronouns agree in person and number with their antecedents. The pronoun refers to its antecedent. Faulty Pronoun Reference: A pronoun depends on a noun (called the pronoun’s antecedent) for meaning. Fred's desire for chocolate made D. No change is necessary. AMBIGUOUS REFERENCES Sometimes sentences are structured such that they end up containing pronouns that could refer back to two or more different antecedents. Pronoun reference refers to replacing a noun or noun phrase with a pronoun. To prevent unclear pronoun reference, make a pronoun clearly refer to a single antecedent. The noun or noun phrase that it refers to is called the antecedent. Here is another example of faulty pronoun reference where a pronoun is asked to refer to a whole group of words instead of a clear, single noun antecedent. What is a pronoun? A common writing problem occurs when the same pronoun refers to more than one antecedent. • expalin what pronoun and pronoun reference are. Issues with pronoun agreement and pronoun references are common struggles for many beginning writers, but these problems are easy to correct once you realize the issue and just pay close attention to the pronouns you’re using in your writing. • produce sentences using appropriate pronoun references. Bob's hands were so cramped from typing a 2,000-word essay that (A) the poor boy 2 3. The reader cannot be sure whether Howard is very angry because: 1. Pronouns must agree with the noun or pronoun to which it is referring. Meg telephoned, 2. This is just a basic example of the use of pronouns, they act in many ways to help make speech and writing more lucid and dynamic. Answer Key. Ensure clarity in your writing by making pronoun antecedents absolutely clear and obvious. Pronouns have acted to make the writing tighter and, arguably, much more elegant. the pronoun reference quiz impossible. The counselor was speaking to Dave, who looked unhappy. A pronoun helps us avoid unnecessary repetition in our writing and speech. Pronouns Definition. In this example, it's impossible to tell whose roommate we're talking about. In this example, John is the antecedent of the pronoun his. That made C. kitchen. For example, in the last example in the preceding section, “them” can refer … Revise your writing to avoid these ambiguous references. Did Ben sell the car or the radio? • explain different types of pronouns. The problem pronoun here is This. UNCLEAR: Jane told Ruth that her roommate is a nightmare. A pronoun is a word that commonly takes the place of a noun or noun phrase. Look at the following examples: Unclear pronoun reference, along with a mismatch between the pronoun and its referent (or antecedent, the word the pronoun is intended to replace), are issues that frequently cause students trouble.

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