christmas in the catholic church

Rev., December, 1898). xxxviii in P.G., XXXVI) were preached on successive days (Usener, op. Finally, though never at Rome, on authority he knows that the census papers of the Holy Family are still there. cit., 402 sqq.). during the consulship of (Augustus) Caesar and Paulus Our Lord Jesus Christ was born on the eighth before the calends of January (December 25), a Friday, the fourteenth day of the moon. Jud., XII, vii, 6). F. Kirchengesch. In Antioch, on the feast of St. Philogonius, Chrysostom preached an important sermon. From the fourth century every Western calendar assigns it to December 25. Rom., I, 595; Geschichte Roms…im Mittelalter I, 607, 397; Civ. cit., addit. The reckoning, moreover, is wholly in keeping with the arguments based on number and astronomy and "convenience", then so popular. survive as Christmas presents, cards, boxes. . Only with great caution should the mysterious benefactor of Christmas night — Knecht Ruprecht, Pelzmärtel on a wooden horse, St. Martin on a white charger, St. Nicholas and his "reformed" equivalent, Father Christmas — be ascribed to the stepping of a saint into the shoes of Woden, who, with his wife Berchta, descended on the nights between 25 December and 6 January, on a white horse to bless earth and men. From these untrustworthy data, assuming that Christ was born A. U. C. 749, and that never in seventy turbulent years the weekly succession failed, it is calculated that the eighth class was serving 2-October 9, A. U. C. 748, whence Christ’s conception falls in March, and birth presumably in December. XIII. The term Yule is of disputed origin. [This appeal to Roman archives is as old as Justin Martyr (Apol., I, 34, 35) and Tertullian (Adv. The Gelasian and Gregorian Sacramentaries give three Masses to this feast, and these, with a special and sublime martyrology, and dispensation, if necessary, from abstinence, still mark our usage. von Jahre 354, Berlin, 1888), compiled in 354, which contains three important entries. cit., s. vv. ), which places Christ’s birth on March 28, because on that day the material sun was created. The earliest German Weihnachtslieder date from the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the earliest noels from the eleventh, the earliest carols from the thirteenth. cit., addit. mart." Il natale; in Ger. Christmas established before the pagan Sun festival The second claim is that the Catholic Church established Christmas on December 25 to replace a solar feast invented by Emperor Aurelian in 274 AD, the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (Birth of the Unconquered Sun). . De Santi (L’Orig. Ord. Martindale, Cyril Charles. In the civil calendar December 25 is marked “Natalis Invicti”. We all know that Christmas officially begins on Christmas Eve, but when does Christmas officially end? ian. Also, Asterius of Amaseia (fifth century) and Arnphilochius of Iconium (contemporary of Basil and Gregory) show that in their dioceses both the feasts of Epiphany and Nativity were separate (P.G., XL, 337, XXXIX, 36). cit., s.v. by Friedlieb (Leben J. Christi des Erlosers, Munster, 1887, p. 312). ciii, de Kal. There are four “lesser” feasts in between. In the West the Council of Saragossa (380) still ignores 25 December (see can. 41 sqq.) While Christians of many denominations observe this period, the Roman Catholic Church … The 1914 Catholic Encyclopedia has this very long and some what complicated explanation as to the dates and customs of Catholic Christmas. The CHRISTMAS Season: Christmas is the annual feast commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, a little over 2000 years ago. So, even if the “Depositio Martyrum” dates, as is probable, from 336, it is not clear that the calendar contains evidence earlier than Philocalus himself, i.e. Ammianus Marcellinus (XXI, ii) and Zonaras (Ann., XIII, 11) date a visit of Julian the Apostate to a church at Vienne in Gaul on Epiphany and Nativity respectively. del p. A.M. Lupi, Faenza, 1785, p. 219) that there is no month in the year to which respectable authorities have not assigned Christ’s birth. Dies Natalis, whence Fr. Geyer, pp. The civil calendar alone was not added to, as it was useless after the abandonment of pagan festivals. In Dan., iv, 23; Brotke; 19), "For the first coming of Our Lord in the flesh [in which He has been begotten], in Bethlehem, took place [25 December, the fourth day] in the reign of Augustus [the forty-second year, and] in the year 5500 [from Adam]. ", xix, "O quam præclare providentia ut illo die quo natus est Sol . When it comes to a traditional Catholic Christmas, there is more to it then just simply gathering together on December 25th. In the West the Council of Saragossa (380) still ignores December 25 (see can. The latter relies on a letter of Jacob of Edessa quoted by George of Beeltân, asserting that Christmas was brought to Constantinople by Arcadius and Chrysostom from Italy, where, "according to the histories", it had been kept from Apostolic times. cit., pp. Christmas. The term Christmas appeared in Old English as early as 1038 A.D. as Cristes Maesse, and later as Cristes-messe in A.D. 1131. ", 23 in P.G., CXXX, 1175; Niceph., "Hist. Christmas Day is considered a day of unrelenting feasting. XV, 5, 5) forbids, in 425, circus games on December 25; though not till Codex Just., III, 12, 6 (529) is cessation of work imposed. ; combining, too, the fact of Christ's death in Nisan with Daniel's prophecy of a three and one-half years' ministry (9:27), he puts the birth in Tisri, i.e. Liturgical colors varied: black, white, red, or (e.g. The historical origin of this triple Mass is probably as follows (cf. med. The Catholic religion is the world’s largest Christian sect and has more than a billion followers. Catt., September 21, 1895, etc. But Rome was not thus considerate. cit., I, ii, 4, pp. cit., p. 145, n. 2). crit., 1890, 3, pp. Usener, indeed, argues (p. 272) that Liberius preached it on that day in 353, instituting the Nativity feast in the December of the same year; but Philocalus warrants our supposing that if preceded his pontificate by some time, though Duchesne's relegation of it to 243 (Bull. Rev., January, 1899; Grisar, Anal. Pope Leo I (Serm. The “mountain-birth” of Mithra and Christ’s in the “grotto” have nothing in common: Mithra’s adoring shepherds (Cumont, op. at Narbonne) red, white, violet were used (Durand, Rat. It is unconnected with any word meaning "wheel". Ducange, Gloss. In Cappadocia, Gregory of Nyssa's sermons on St. dom., VII, 4; xxii, II, 6 in P.L., LIV, 218 and 198) bitterly reproves solar survivals—Christians, on the very doorstep of the Apostles‘ basilica, turn to adore the rising sun. are rather borrowed from Christian sources than vice versa. Pagan customs centring round the January calends gravitated to Christmas. xxi, 2). its initiator, in Constantinople, where, since the death of Valens, orthodoxy was reviving. . Noel, and Ital. nasceretur Christus." If Catholic Online has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. Jud., XII, vii, 6). Clement of Alexandria, c. 200 (Strom., I, xxi in P.G., VIII, 888), says that certain Egyptian theologians “over curiously” assign, not the year alone, but the day of Christ’s birth, placing it on 25 Pachon (May 20) in the twenty-eighth year of Augustus. Eccl.”, XVIII, 53 in P.G., CXLVII, 440; Isaac, Catholicos of Armenia in eleventh or twelfth century, “Adv. But Julius died in 352, and by 385 Cyril had made no change; indeed, Jerome, writing about 411 (in Ezech., P.L., XXV, 18), reproves Palestine for keeping Christ’s birthday (when He hid Himself) on the Manifestation feast. Hymns and Christmas offices abound in instances; the texts are well arranged by Cumont (op. The well-known solar feast, however, of Natalis Invicti, celebrated on December 25, has a strong claim on the responsibility for our December date. Pope Siricius, writing in 385 (P.L., XIII, 1134) to Himerius in Spain, distinguishes the feasts of the Nativity and Apparition; but whether he refers to Roman or to Spanish use is not clear. My email address is webmaster at In the "Depositio Martyrum" a list of Roman or early and universally venerated martyrs, under 25 December is found "VIII kal. . Dns. Popular merry-making, however, so increased that the “Laws of King Cnut”, fabricated c. 1110, order a fast from Christmas to Epiphany. Duchesne (Les origines du culte chretien, Paris, 1902, 262 sqq.) ), and with it, probably, the Nativity, on 15 or 11 Tybi (10 or January 6). Or, if they say that it is the birthday of the Sun, He is the Sun of Justice.". In 385, Silvia of Bordeaux (or Etheria, as it seems clear she should be called) was profoundly impressed by the splendid Childhood feasts at Jerusalem. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1908. Hence, almost universally has it been concluded that the new date reached the East from Rome by way of the Bosphorus during the great anti-Arian revival, and by means of the orthodox champions. De Santi (L'Orig. gentil., in P.L., LVII, 492, etc.) The calend fires were a scandal even to Rome, and St. Boniface obtained from Pope Zachary their abolition. Christ. Christmas cards also remind us that we, too, ought to be "walking and talking" messages that testify to Christ's love. 1588), says: "Sed et dominus noster nascitur mense decembris . The conservatives resisted; at Canterbury blood was shed; but after the Restoration Dissenters continued to call Yuletide "Fooltide". This name was established by the Christian church to disconnect the holiday and its customs from its pagan origins. The details clash with tradition and possibility. Harrison, Prolegom., p. 549) with its probable connection through Phrygia with the Naasene heretics, or even with the Alexandrian ceremony quoted above; nor yet in rites analogous to the midwinter cult at Delphi of the cradled Dionysus, with his revocation from the sea to a new birth (Harrison, op. With Clement’s evidence may be mentioned the “De pascha computus”, written in 243 and falsely ascribed to Cyprian (P.L., IV, 963 sqq. Dns. Dies Natalis, whence Fr. Indeed, even today, Eastern Christians, both Catholic and Orthodox, still observe 40 … Icelandic iol a feast in December). Thurston, in Amer. For Christians, the season, marked by the start of Advent, begins a period that culminates with the birth of Jesus. are, when dealing with the matter, ignorant or silent; or should, having published them, have remained unquoted. The present writer in inclined to think that, be the origin of the feast in East or West, and though the abundance of analogous midwinter festivals may indefinitely have helped the choice of the December date, the same instinct which set Natalis Invicti at the winter solstice will have sufficed, apart from deliberate adaptation or curious calculation, to set the Christian feast there too. et Talm., II, 32), arguing from O. T. prophecy, e.g. (Peregr. lxiii, Ixiv, orders a universal communion, and that of Braga (563) forbids fasting on Christmas Day. The Christmas season ended on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. In the West, he says, the feast was thus kept, anothen; its introduction into Antioch he had always sought, conservatives always resisted. Codex Theod., II, 8, 27 (cf. Sun-worship has bequeathed features to modern popular worship in Armenia, where Christians had once temporarily and externally conformed to the cult of the material sun (Cumont, op. Nihil Obstat. advances the "astronomical" theory that, given 25 March as Christ's death-day [historically impossible, but a tradition old as Tertullian (Adv. At Rome the earliest evidence is in the Philocalian Calendar (P.L., XIII, 675; it can be seen as a whole in J. Strzygowski, Kalenderbilder des Chron. . ), these seem due (Kellner, op. von Jahre 354, Berlin, 1888), compiled in 354, which contains three important entries. natus Christus in Betleem Iudeae”. Let’s start with the Christmas Octave, from December 25 to January 1, the Feast of Mary, the Mother of God, and another Holy Day of Obligation. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Susanti A. Suastika. A.D. 29) leaves Him only twenty-eight and one-quarter years of life. et inf. . This checks the so-called correspondence between Cyril of Jerusalem (348-386) and Pope Julius I (337-352), quoted by John of Nikiû (c. 900) to convert Armenia to 25 December (see P.L., VIII, 964 sqq.). Conc. Marc., IV, 7, 19). The significant entry is “Chr. But Julius died in 352, and by 385 Cyril had made no change; indeed, Jerome, writing about 411 (in Ezech., P.L., XXV, 18), reproves Palestine for keeping Christ's birthday (when He hid Himself) on the Manifestation feast. Catholic-Link is a Catholic portal full of resources for the New Evangelization. Cosmas Indicopleustes suggests (P.G., LXXXVIII, 197) that even in the middle of the sixth century Jerusalem was peculiar in combining the two commemorations, arguing from Luke, iii, 23 that Christ’s baptism day was the anniversary of His birthday. Gervase of Tilbury (thirteen century) says that in England grain is exposed on Christmas night to gain fertility from the dew which falls in response to "Rorate Cæli"; the tradition that trees and flowers blossomed on this night is first quoted from an Arab geographer of the tenth century, and extended to England. Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church. We are more than 40 young professionals from around the world, putting our gifts to the service of The Church. (II, p. 118, ed. Horn. cit., p. 109) to sequence of thought, and do not fix the sermon to January 6, a feast unknown in Rome till much later. c. Tiele (Yule and Christmas, London, 1899) has collected many interesting examples. “Christmas The word for Christmas in late Old English is Cristes Maesse, the … Continue reading "Catholic History Of Christmas On Dec. 25" The epact, here XIII, is normally XI; the year is A.U.C. Unfortunately, there is no contemporary evidence for the celebration in the fourth century of Christ's conception on 25 March. Chrysostom’s episcopate lasted from 398 to 402; the feast would therefore have been introduced between these dates by Chrysostom bishop, as at Antioch by Chrysostom priest. On “VIII kal. 3. This time he was successful; in a crowded church he defended the new custom. According, however, to John of Nikiu, Honorius, when he was present on a visit, arranged with Arcadius for the observation of the feast on the Roman date. during the consulship of (Augustus) Cæsar and Paulus Our Lord Jesus Christ was born on the eighth before the calends of January (25 December), a Friday, the fourteenth day of the moon. crit., 1890, 3, pp. The word for Christmas in late Old English is Cristes Maesse, the Mass of Christ, first found in 1038, and Cristes-messe, in 1131. "A solis ortu" is certainly, however, by Sedulius (fifth century). . From the fourth century every Western calendar assigns it to 25 December. Eventually the feast was extended to last an entire week, ending on December 23. The religion has many unique customs and rituals that have been practiced for centuries. In 385, therefore, December 25 was not observed at Jerusalem. viii, ix—Tiele’s data are perhaps of greater value than his deductions—and Ducange (op. Antiq., s.v. div. Untersuch., pp. The second Mass was celebrated by the pope in the "chapel royal" of the Byzantine Court officials on the Palatine, i.e. It means "the Mass of Christ." . In view of a reaction to certain Jewish rites and feasts, Chrysostom tries to unite Antioch in celebrating Christ’s birth on December 25, part of the community having already kept it on that day for at least ten years. And He suffered in His thirty-third year [25 March, the parasceve, in the eighteenth year of Tiberius Cæsar, during the consulate of Rufus and Rubellio]. (For Virgil and Nativity play and prophecy see authorities in Cornparetti, “Virgil in Middle Ages“, p. 310 sqq.) cit., s. vv. The Temple was destroyed 9 Ab, A.D. 70; late rabbinical tradition says that class 1, Jojarib, was then serving. The earlier hypothesis still seems preferable. Jud., 8)], the popular instinct, demanding an exact number of years in a Divine life, would place His conception on the same date, His birth 25 December. Besides, Zachary, who, as high-priest, entered the Temple on the Day of Atonement, received therefore announcement of John’s conception in September; six months later Christ was conceived, i.e. Here, as in the consular fasti, popular feasts were later inserted for convenience’ sake. 754, a date first suggested two centuries later; in no year between 751 and 754 could 25 December fall on a Friday; tradition is constant in placing Christ's birth on Wednesday. Julius, in the Cyrilline forgeries, is said to have calculated the date from Josephus, on the same unwarranted assumptions about Zachary as did Chrysostom.] On his exile, in 381, the feast disappeared. The civil calendar alone was not added to, as it was useless after the abandonment of pagan festivals. 354, unless indeed preexisting popular celebration must be assumed to render possible this official recognition. by Friedlieb (Leben J. Christi des Erlösers, Münster, 1887, p. 312). Pastores); the latter Church celebrated a second “prophetical” mystery after Tierce, in which Virgil and the Sibyl join with O. T. prophets in honoring Christ. ihs. natus Christus in Betleem Iudeæ". The presence of ox and ass is due to a misinterpretation of Is., i, 3, and Hab., iii, 2 (“Itala.” version), though they appear in the unique fourth-century “Nativity” discovered in the St. Sebastian catacombs in 1877. . In Dutch it is Kerstmis, in Latin Dies Natalis, whence comes the French Noël, and Italian Il natale; in German Weihnachtsfest, from the preceeding sacred vigil. Irenaeus and Tertullian omit it from their lists of feasts ; Origen, glancing perhaps at the discreditable imperial Natalitia , asserts (in Lev. [Ideler (Chron., II, 397, n.) thought they did this believing that the ninth month, in which Christ was born, was the ninth of their own calendar.] Ephraem Syrus (whose hymns belong to Epiphany, not to Christmas) proves that Mesopotamia still put the birth feast thirteen days after the winter solstice; i.e. Moreover the date given for Christ's death (duobus Geminis coss., i.e. Evangelii Gaudium! But this calculation starts from 6 January, and the feast lasted during the octave of that date. MLA citation. The conservatives resisted; at Canterbury blood was shed; but after the Restoration Dissenters continued to call Yuletide “Fooltide”. Kirchengesch., XXVI, 1905, 20-31) that the feast was brought in by Constantine as early as 330-35. One of the delights of studying for the priesthood in Rome (many decades ago now) was the opportunity to experience the reality of the complete Christmas season: one that did not begin with a mass-market assault on Thanksgiving evening and build to a consuming crescendo on Christmas Day, but instead began with Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve and continued for eleven days after … For the calend mumming; the extraordinary and obscene Modranicht; the cake in honour of Mary's "afterbirth", condemned (692) at the Trullan Council, canon 79; the Tabulæ Fortunæ (food and drink offered to obtain increase, and condemned in 743), see Tiele, op. The ordinaria of Rouen and of Reims, for instance, place the officium pastorum immediately after the Te Deum and before Mass (cf. Sylv., ed. Christmas. It seems impossible, on analogy of the relation of Passover and Pentecost to Easter and Whitsuntide, to connect the Nativity with the feast of Tabernacles, as did, e.g., Lightfoot (Horæ Hebr, et Talm., II, 32), arguing from Old Testament prophecy, e.g. Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback — especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads. Chrysostom's episcopate lasted from 398 to 402; the feast would therefore have been introduced between these dates by Chrysostom bishop, as at Antioch by Chrysostom priest. (December, 1900); ERBES, Das Syrische Martyrologium, etc., in Zeitschr. He asks Julius to assign the true date of the nativity "from census documents brought by Titus to Rome"; Julius assigns 25 December. Armenos”, I, xii, 5 in P.G., CXXII,1193; Neale, “Holy Eastern Church“, Introd., p. If Marcellina became a nun only after the canonical age of twenty-five, and if Ambrose was born only in 340, it is perhaps likelier that the event occurred after 357. In 385, Silvia of Bordeaux (or Etheria, as it seems clear she should be called) was profoundly impressed by the splendid Childhood feasts at Jerusalem. This checks the so-called correspondence between Cyril of Jerusalem (348-386) and Pope Julius I (337-352), quoted by John of Nikiu (c. 900) to convert Armenia to December 25 (see P.L., VIII, 964 sqq.). to over-act, dates from Herod's violence in these plays. Others reached the date of 24 or 25 Pharmuthi (19 or 20 April). Apost., I, 316, ed. As undesirable is it to connect 25 December with the Eastern (December) feast of Dedication (Jos. Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church. Were the Chalki manuscript of Hippolytus genuine, evidence for the December feast would exist as early as c. 205. Eccl. But are not the two entries in the "Depositio Martyrum" also such? 748, whence Christ's conception falls in March, and birth presumably in December. For a Catholic, Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ, and as such this includes the lead up to his birth, and the subsequent days following God’s gift to humanity. show that the December celebration was then firmly established there, and calendars prove its permanence. The Gloria was at first sung only in the first Mass of this day. ; combining, too, the fact of Christ’s death in Nisan with Daniel‘s prophecy of a three and one-half years’ ministry (ix, 27), he puts the birth in Tisri, i.e. Tiele (Yule and Christmas, London, 1899) has collected many interesting examples. Were the day of Christ's birth in the flesh alone there found, it might stand as heading the year of martyrs' spiritual natales; but 22 February is there wholly out of place. at Narbonne) red, white, violet were used (Durand, Rat. Weihnachtsfest, from the preceding sacred vigil. The history of the dedication of the Oratorium Prcesepis in the Liberian basilica, of the relics there kept and their imitations, does not belong to this discussion [cf. Empire. ", Interpolation is certain, and admitted by Funk, Bonwetsch, etc. November 1, 1908. If Marcellina became a nun only after the canonical age of twenty-five, and if Ambrose was born only in 340, it is perhaps likelier that the event occurred after 357. The degeneration of these plays in part occasioned the diffusion of noels, pastorali, and carols, to which was accorded, at times, a quasi-liturgical position. The famous "Stabat Mater Speciosa" is attributed to Jacopone da Todi (1230-1306); "Adeste Fideles" is, at the earliest, of the seventeenth century. Dindorf, 1860, II, 483) quotes an extraordinary semi-Gnostic ceremony at Alexandria in which, on the night of 5-January 6, a cross-stamped Kore was carried in procession round a crypt, to the chant, “Today at this hour Kore gave birth to the Eternal”; John Cassian records in his “Collations” (X, 2 in P.L., XLIX, 820), written 418-427, that the Egyptian monasteries still observe the “ancient custom”; but on 29 Choiak (December 25) and January 1, 433, Paul of Emesa preached before Cyril of Alexandria, and his sermons (see Mansi, IV, 293; appendix to Act. hoc. He asks Julius to assign the true date of the nativity “from census documents brought by Titus to Rome“; Julius assigns December 25. Mommsen (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, 12, p. 338) has collected the evidence for the feast, which reached its climax of popularity under Aurelian in 274. may not commend itself to many. The Gloria was at first sung only in the first Mass of this day. Jan 26, 2021 - Explore Martin Jennings's board "Catholic Church Christmas Mass and Church Decor" on Pinterest. And He suffered in His thirty-third year [March 25, the parasceve, in the eighteenth year of Tiberius Caesar, during the consulate of Rufus and Rubellio].” Interpolation is certain, and admitted by Funk, Bonwetsch, etc. Knecht Ruprecht, at any rate (first found in a mystery of 1668 and condemned in 1680 as a devil) was only a servant of the Holy Child. St. Francis of Assisi in 1223 originated the crib of today by laicizing a hitherto ecclesiastical custom, henceforward extra-liturgical and popular. The Church’s liturgical season of Christmas ends in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite with the movable feast of the Baptism of the Lord, which falls in early to mid-January. Today is Christmas day (Christ's mass).But for the first 300 years of Christianity, it wasn't so.When was Christmas first celebrated? comp.”, xix, “O quam praeclare providentia ut illo die quo natus est Sol…nasceretur Christus.”—”O, how wonderfully acted Providence that on that day on which the Sun was born Christ should be born.”—In the fourth century, Chrysostom, “de Solst. The census would have been impossible in winter: a whole population could not then be put in motion. The word for Christmas in late Old English is Cristes Maesse, the Mass of Christ, first found in 1038, and Cristes-messe, in 1131. c. According, however, to John of Nikiû, Honorius, when he was present on a visit, arranged with Arcadius for the observation of the feast on the Roman date. More important, but scarcely better accredited, is Erbes' contention (Zeitschrift f. Off., VI, 13). For the history of the solar cult, its position in the Roman Empire, and syncretism with Mithraism, see Cumont's epoch-making "Textes et Monuments" etc., I, ii, 4, 6, p. 355. Ephraem Syrus (whose hymns belong to Epiphany, not to Christmas) proves that Mesopotamia still put the birth feast thirteen days after the winter solstice, i.e. Cyril declares that his clergy cannot, on the single feast of Birth and Baptism, make a double procession to Bethlehem and Jordan. (See Kellner, Heortologie, Freiburg, 1906, p. 97, n. 3). Sun-worship has bequeathed features to modern popular worship in Armenia, where Christians had once temporarily and externally conformed to the cult of the material sun (Cumont, op. Kellner puts this visit in 395; Baumstark (Oriens Chr., 1902, 441-446), between 398 and 402. De Noëls, ibid. Though the sermon abounds in references appropriate to the Epiphany (the marriage at Cana, the multiplication of loaves, etc. cit., p. 109) to sequence of thought, and do not fix the sermon to 6 January, a feast unknown in Rome till much later. For the history of the solar cult, its position in the Roman Empire, and syncretism with Mithraism, see Cumont’s epoch-making “Textes et Monuments” etc., I, ii, 4, 6, p. 355. January 6; Armenia likewise ignored, and still ignores, the December festival. In P.L., XXXV, 1652) denounces the heretical identification of Christ with Sol. The liturgical Christmas season is situated after the Advent season and … Lat., s.v. But between February, 386, when Flavian ordained Chrysostom priest, and December is ample time for the preaching of all the sermons under discussion. The historical origin of this triple Mass is probably as follows (cf. The reckoning, moreover, is wholly in keeping with the arguments based on number and astronomy and “convenience”, then so popular. Rome, therefore, has observed December 25 long enough to allow of Chrysostom speaking at least in 388 as above (P.G., XLVIII, 752, XLIX, 351). But Lupi has shown (Zaccaria, Dissertazioni ecc. About A.D. 200, Clement of Alexandria (Stromata I.21) says that certain Egyptian theologians "over curiously" assign, not the year alone, but the day of Christ's birth, placing it on 25 Pachon (20 May) in the twenty-eighth year of Augustus.

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