assumption day lebanon

"[306] He restated that case in a review of Martin Gilbert's book, In Ishmael's House. At the time, most of the Jews were living in cities of Tripoli and Benghazi and there were smaller numbers in Bayda and Misrata. Lebanon Is Collapsing, Along With Its Banks and Hospitals . In the wake of 29 November 1947 U.N. Partition vote, demonstrations against the vote in the Arab world were called for 2–5 December. Jews were legally barred from working for the government or for banks, obtaining driver's licenses, having telephones in their homes or business premises, or purchasing property. Our Masses are NOW LIVE STREAMED and can be loaded from YouTube thru the Church website or your personal devices. On 10 March 1951, 64,000 Iraqi Jews were still waiting to emigrate, the government enacted a new law blocking the assets of Jews who had given up their citizenship, and extending the emigration period. The Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries, or Jewish exodus from Arab countries, was the departure, flight, expulsion, evacuation and migration of 850,000 Jews,[1][2] primarily of Sephardi and Mizrahi background, from Arab countries and the Muslim world, mainly from 1948 to the early 1970s. Incidents of anti-Jewish violence continued through the 1950s, although French officials later stated that Moroccan Jews "had suffered comparatively fewer troubles than the wider European population" during the struggle for independence. History. [101] In November 1948, a few months after the events in Tripoli, the American consul in Tripoli, Orray Taft Jr., reported that: "There is reason to believe that the Jewish Community has become more aggressive as the result of the Jewish victories in Palestine. 85 were issued into the House of Representatives and Senate. A personal appeal by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, to the late President Hafez al-Assad failed to secure Elia's release. [164], A small Jewish community remained in Iraq following Operation Ezra and Nehemiah. "Findings of the Tribunal relating to the Claims of Jews from Arab Lands". ", "Pieds-noirs": ceux qui ont choisi de rester, "The Forgotten Refugees - Historical Timeline", "Israel's advent altered outlook for Middle East Jews", "France's Chief Rabbi Protests to Tunisian Envoy over Attacks on Jewish Homes and Shops", "Netanyahu Tells UN Assembly That Israel's Attack on PLO Bases in Tunisia Was Act of Self-defense", Ethnicity and National Memory: The World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries (WOJAC) in the Context of the Palestinian National Struggle, "The Final Exodus of the Libyan Jews in 1967 - Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs", "50 year anniversary of the arrival of the Lybian Jews", London Review of Books, Vol. Not a single building remains intact. [145] At the Jewish Studies Conference in Melbourne in 2002, Philip Mendes summarised the effect of al-Saids vacillations on Jewish expulsion as: "In addition, the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri as-Said tentatively canvassed and then shelved the possibility of expelling the Iraqi Jews, and exchanging them for an equal number of Palestinian Arabs."[20]. Through an airlift and the aid of several ships, over 6,000 Libyan Jews were evacuated to Italy by the Italian Navy, where they were assisted by the Jewish Agency for Israel. "[34] Around a third of Tunisian Jews took French citizenship during the protectorate. In February 2010, the bill passed its first reading. Get email notification for articles from Zvi Bar'el Follow. Despite offers of visa and economic subsidies, only 580 Jews moved from Algeria to Israel in 1954–55. Following Tunisia's independence from France in 1956 emigration of the Jewish population to Israel and France accelerated. In 1968, scores of Jews were imprisoned on charges of spying for Israel. Later, however, the Jewish exodus from Morocco slowed to a few thousand a year. Overview of holidays and many observances in Lebanon during the year 2021 [207] In 1964 a decision was made to move the refugees to a new camp constructed near Shuafat. Before United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine vote, the Iraq's prime minister Nuri al-Said told British diplomats that if the United Nations solution was not "satisfactory", "severe measures should [would?] However, that minister, Leon Benzaquen, did not survive the first cabinet reshuffling, and no Jew was appointed again to a cabinet position. In 2002, Esmeralda Meghnagi, who was thought to be the last Jew in Libya, died. On the day of his funeral, people in Lebanon lined the streets to show their support." On 31 December 1958 a decree was issued by the President of the Executive Council of Tripolitania, which ordered the dissolution of the Jewish Community Council and the appointment of a Muslim commissioner nominated by the Government. A further 200,000 lived in Pahlavi Iran and the Republic of Turkey. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Assumption Feast Day August 15th – Mass at 6pm followed with our Feast Day Celebration Parish Dinner All Saints Mass – November 1 10am & 5pm Daylight Saving Time Ends November 7 (set your clocks back 1 hour) All Souls Mass – November 2 8am & 7pm Thanksgiving Day – November 25 Mass 9am Six hundred thousand Jews from Arab and Muslim countries had reached Israel by 1972. Nor were they always subject to persecution, repression or discrimination in their native lands. [311] Ashrawi said that "If Israel is their homeland, then they are not 'refugees'; they are emigrants who returned either voluntarily or due to a political decision."[311]. Many Jews found impossible to pursue their business venture because the larger community was boycotting their products. In Persia since 1319 Š./1940. A small Jewish graveyard still exists in the vast Mewa Shah Graveyard near the shrine of a Sufi saint. [211], When the Republic of Turkey was established in 1923, Aliyah was not particularly popular among Turkish Jewry; migration from Turkey to Palestine was minimal in the 1920s. The first large-scale exoduses took place in the late 1940s and early 1950s, primarily from Iraq, Yemen and Libya. [176], 1,000 Jews were arrested and 500 Jewish businesses were seized by the government. The majority left for the United States—most to join the large Syrian Jewish community in South Brooklyn, New York—although some went to France and Turkey, and 1,262 Syrian Jews who wanted to immigrate to Israel were brought there in a two-year covert operation. [122], In October 1956, when the Suez Crisis erupted, the position of the mutamassirun, including the Jewish community, was significantly impacted. They included a Baghdadi Jewish merchant community that settled in Dhaka during the 17th-century. [178], In 1960, the American embassy in Cairo wrote of Egyptian Jews that: "There is definitely a strong desire among most Jews to emigrate, but this is prompted by the feeling that they have limited opportunity, or from fear for the future, rather than by any direct or present tangible mistreatment at the hands of the government. Our Parishes. As of 2007, more than 10,000 Jews of Afghan descent were living in Israel and over 200 families of Afghan Jews lived in New York City.[246]. [315], The World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries (WOJAC) estimated in 2006, that Jewish property abandoned in Arab countries would be valued at more than $100 billion, later revising their estimate in 2007 to $300 billion. Between 1936 and 1939 ten Jews were murdered and on eight occasions bombs were thrown on Jewish locations. [105][106], In 1967, during the Six-Day War, the Jewish population of 7,000 was again subjected to riots in which 18 were killed and many more injured. Coastal areas are as warm as they were while in mountains temperature drops to 20 °C (68 °F). Today, there are fewer than 8,600. Additionally, like most Arab League states, Iraq forbade any legal emigration of its Jews on the grounds that they might go to Israel and could strengthen that state. A small community remained until 1976, though it has mostly immigrated from Yemen since. Operation Babylon. The 2012 bill, which was moved to committee, proposed to recognize the plight of "850,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries", as well as other refugees, such as Christians from the Middle East, North Africa, and the Persian Gulf. Below is a list of recent news and updates related to Lebanon public holidays, national holidays, government holidays and bank holidays (note that this newsfeed is delayed by 30 days). In 1970, Israel launched Operation Blanket, a covert military and intelligence operation to evacuate Syrian Jews, managing to bring a few dozen young Jews to Israel. ), Shapiro, Raphael. But any injustice imposed upon the Arabs of Palestine will disturb the harmony among Jews and non-Jews in Iraq; it will breed inter-religious prejudice and hatred. All but a few thousand of the remaining Jews then registered for emigration. In total, it is estimated that between 1956 and 1967, about 235,000 North African Jews from Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco immigrated to France due to the decline of the French Empire and following the Six-Day War.[281]. Welcome to Assumption Catholic Church, a place where faith and spirit meet. A prominent Jew in East Pakistan was Mordecai Cohen, who was a Bengali and English newsreader on East Pakistan Television. [251][252] Jewish emigration intensified as a result. "[47] The same year, violent anti-Jewish violence also occurred in Cairo, which resulted in 10 Jewish victims. By 1957 the Jewish population of Egypt had fallen to 15,000. He has stated that "the campaign's proponents hope their efforts will prevent conferral of what is called a 'right of return' on Palestinians, and reduce the size of the compensation Israel is liable to be asked to pay in exchange for Palestinian property appropriated by the state guardian of 'lost' assets. [citation needed]. Lebanon Public Holidays 2021 This page contains a national calendar of all 2021 public holidays for Lebanon. Through the early 1950s, Zionist organizations encouraged emigration, particularly in the poorer south of the country, seeing Moroccan Jews as valuable contributors to the Jewish State: The more I visited in these (Berber) villages and became acquainted with their Jewish inhabitants, the more I was convinced that these Jews constitute the best and most suitable human element for settlement in Israel's absorption centers. Lenten Schedule Ash Wednesday February 17th Mass @ 8am & 7pm Daylight Saving Time begins March 14 Palm Sunday – March 28 Holy Thursday – April 1 Join our Assumption family in saying Divine Mercy Chaplet starting on Good Friday-Divine Mercy Sunday (everyday starting at 7:30am) or join Catholic Radio at 3pm for the Divine Mercy Chaplet Good Friday Service – April 2 Easter Vigil -April 3 Easter Sunday – April 4, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Assumption Feast Day August 15th – Mass at 6pm followed with our Feast Day Celebration Parish Dinner All Saints Mass – November 1    10am & 5pm  Daylight Saving Time Ends November 7 (set your clocks back 1 hour) All Souls Mass – November 2    8am & 7pm Thanksgiving Day – November 25     Mass 9am Feast of the Immaculate Conception – December 8 Mass times 8am & 7pm Christmas Eve Mass – December 24 @ 4pm & 6pm Christmas Day Mass – December 25  @ 9am Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) New Year’s Eve (12/31)  Mass Vigil  5pm New Year’s Day (1/1) Mass 9am, Father of all, we pray to you for all those whom we love but see no longer. Today, there are virtually no Jewish communities remaining in Karachi or Peshawar. In some Arab states, such as Libya, which was about 3% Jewish, the Jewish community no longer exists; in other Arab countries, only a few hundred Jews remain. Jews of Libyan descent also make up a significant part of the Italian Jewish community. Tragically, at the age of 8, […]. It is the best time for wine tasting and different sorts of recreation. The Zionist movement at first tried to regulate the amount of registrants until issues relating to their legal status were clarified. Aug 12, 2013 - Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Lebanon Pa Church Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary As the Algerian Revolution began to intensify in the late 1950s and early 1960s, most of Algeria's 140,000 Jews began to leave. Abu Shakrah (2001). [242], From 1935 to 1941, under Prime Minister Mohammad Hashim Khan (uncle of the King) Germany was the most influential country in Afghanistan. [71], By 1967, only 50,000 Jews remained. However, that same year, it was discovered that Rina Debach, an 80-year old Jewish woman who was thought to be dead by her family in Rome, was still alive and living in a nursing home in the country. [321], In 2008, the Orthodox Sephardi party, Shas, announced its intention to seek compensation for Jewish refugees from Arab states. Dilek Güven, Nationalismus, Sozialer Wandel und Minderheiten: Die Ausschreitungen gegen die Nichtmuslime der Tuerkei (6–7 September 1955), Universitaet Bochum, 2006, On wings of eagles: the plight, exodus, and homecoming of oriental Jewry by Joseph Schechtman pp 258-259, Tom Lansford: "A Bitter Harvest: US Foreign Policy and Afghanistan" Ashgate 2003 page 62, Jane S. Gerber, Jews of Spain: A History of the Sephardic Experience, 1994, Page 257, quote "Most of Algeria's 150,000 Jews emigrated to France, Tunisia's Jewish population of 110,000 departed for France or Israel, and Morocco's 286,000 Jews, the last community to depart, left in stages, the majority going to Israel.". I came at the behest of Zionism, due to the pull that this land exerts, and due to the idea of redemption. It is a traditional doctrine of Christian spirituality to embrace repentance and a turning away from sin and back to God. [210], The exodus of Iran's Jews[211] refers to the emigration of Persian Jews from Pahlavi Iran in the 1950s and a later migration wave from Iran during and after the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Foreign observers reported that members of Jewish families were taken hostage, apparently to insure that those forced to leave did not speak out against the Egyptian government. [136], The Iraqi government took in only 5,000 of the approximately 700,000 Palestinians who became refugees in 1948–49, "despite British and American efforts to persuade Iraq" to admit more. SAUDI ARABIA - Eid Al Fitr - Market Holiday (Subject to sighting of the moon) Go hunting, in accordance with the laws. [37], The situation in colonial Libya was similar; as for the French in the other North African countries, the Italian influence in Libya was welcomed by the Jewish community, increasing their separation from the non-Jewish Libyans. [135] At the time, the British believed that the Zionist underground was agitating in Iraq in order to assist US fund-raising and to "offset the bad impression caused by the Jewish attitudes to Arab refugees". The houses of some 200 Jews were too badly damaged during the riots for them to return. Although the main synagogue in Tripoli was renovated in 1999, it has not reopened for services. Following independence in 1956 hostility against the Jewish community began to grow, and from 1957 many Sudanese Jews began to leave for Israel, the United States, and Europe (particularly the UK and Switzerland). [204] According to a complaint Israel made to the United Nations, all but one of the thirty-five Jewish houses of worship in the Old City were destroyed. Free Holiday calendars. As a result of these developments, al-Said was determined to drive the Jews out of his country as quickly as possible. Some Karachi streets still bear names that hark back to a time when the Jewish community was more prominent; such as Ashkenazi Street, Abraham Reuben Street (named after the former member of the Karachi Municipal Corporation), Ibn Gabirol Street, and Moses Ibn Ezra Street—although some streets have been renamed, they are still locally referred to by their original names. Over the following years, many Jews managed to escape, and the work of supporters, particularly Judy Feld Carr,[193] in smuggling Jews out of Syria, and bringing their plight to the attention of the world, raised awareness of their situation. [189] The largest communities of Jews in Lebanon were in Beirut, and the villages near Mount Lebanon, Deir al Qamar, Barouk, Bechamoun, and Hasbaya. Share in WhatsApp. [38][39], The Alliance Israelite Universelle, founded in France in 1860, set up schools in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia as early as 1863. In 1948, approximately 105,000 Jews lived in Tunisia. The resolutions had been written together with lobbyist group Justice for Jews from Arab Countries,[162] whose founder Stanley Urman described the resolution in 2009 as "perhaps our most significant accomplishment"[293] The House of Representatives resolution was sponsored by Jerrold Nadler, who followed the resolutions in 2012 with House Bill H.R. This page contains a national calendar of all 2019 public holidays for Lebanon. The Neve Shalom Synagogue in Istanbul has been attacked by Islamic militants three times. Toktas, Sule. [43] Following the allied victory at the Battle of El Agheila in December 1942, German and Italian troops were driven out of Libya. [58] He describes the outcome of the Palestinian's flight as an "unwanted national calamity" that was accompanied by "unending personal tragedies". [30] Though there were also cases of Muslim-led anti-Jewish riots, such as in Constantine in 1934 when 34 Jews were killed. The Assumption of Mary into Heaven, informally known as The Assumption, is commonly celebrated on August 15, also marked as a Holy Day of Obligation, and so it is here in Old Jerusalem. Between 1955 and independence in 1956, 60,000 Jews emigrated. [194][195] In November 1954, the Syrian government temporarily lifted its ban on Jewish emigration. Take part in the Assumption day on August 15. The only difference is that the Jews did not turn that Nakba into their founding ethos. Later, it allowed everyone to register. [157][158] On 12 October 1950, Nuri al-Said summoned a senior official of the transport company and made similar threats, justifying the expulsion of Jews by the number of Palestinian Arabs fleeing from Israel. 1987. Even with the aggressiveness or perhaps because of it, both Jewish and Arab leaders inform me that the inter-racial relations are better now than they have been for several years and that understanding, tolerance and cooperation are present at any top level meeting between the leaders of the two communities."[102][103]. The Jewish Nakba was worse than the Palestinian Nakba. [citation needed]. Reality", "Jews forced out of Arab countries seek reparations", "Expelled Jews hold deeds on abandoned property in Arab lands", "Shas to seek payout for Jews deported from Arab countries", Israel vies to bring Mideast Jewish refugees into talks, "Claiming Jewish Communal Property in Iraq", "Building the country or rescuing the people: Ben-Gurion's attitude towards mass Jewish immigration to Israel in the mid-1950s", "The Jews of Iraq, Zionist Ideology, and the Property of the Palestinian Refugees of 1948: An Anomaly of National Accounting", "Turkey's Jews and Their Immigration to Israel", "Islam and the Jews: Myth, Counter-Myth, History", "The "One Million Plan" and the Development of a Discourse about the Absorption of the Jews from Arab Countries", Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Bay Area Holocaust Oral History Project (BAHOHP), Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Anti-Jewish attacks in Arab countries during the 1948 Palestine War, Anti-Jewish attacks in Arab countries during the 1948 Palestine war and its aftermath, Persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire, Decline of Buddhism in the Indian subcontinent, Muslim conquests in the Indian subcontinent, Persecution of Muslims during Ottoman contraction, Persecution of Christians in the Eastern Bloc, Attacks by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh,, History of the Jews in the Arabian Peninsula, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2020, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Articles with incomplete citations from September 2020, Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected pages, Articles with disputed statements from January 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2014, Articles with failed verification from May 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2012, Articles with failed verification from December 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2014, Articles with failed verification from November 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2007, Articles needing additional references from January 2016, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [115][116][117] Other historians, however, see the pivotal moment for the Iraqi Jewish community much later, between 1948 and 1951, since Jewish communities prospered along with the rest of the country throughout most of the 1940s,[118][119][120][121] and many Jews who left Iraq following the Farhud returned to the country shortly thereafter and permanent emigration did not accelerate significantly until 1950–51. Professor Ada Aharoni, chairman of The World Congress of the Jews from Egypt, argues in an article entitled "What about the Jewish Nakba?" It sounds like quite the esoteric topic for a post, but I wanted to share this day with you in the form of pictures and anecdotes because it’s a big deal in my family! The peak of the exodus from Egypt occurred in 1956 following the Suez Crisis. Daniel Schroeter; Yaron Tsur; Mohammed Hatimi. By 2003, it was estimated that this once-thriving community had been reduced to 35 Jews in Baghdad and a handful more in Kurdish areas of the country. [183], In 1942, prior to the formulation of the One Million Plan, David Ben-Gurion described his intentions with respect to such potential policy to a meeting of experts and Jewish leaders, stating that "It is a mark of great failure by Zionism that we have not yet eliminated the Yemen exile [diaspora]. [181] The exodus came about as a result of European Jewish investment in the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, which created jobs for labouring Jews alongside local Muslim labour thereby providing an economic incentive for emigration. [239][240][241] Jews continued living in major cities such as Kabul and Herat, under restrictions on work and trade. Jews under Islamic rule were given the status of dhimmi, along with certain other pre-Islamic religious groups. [35], Morocco, which had remained independent during the 19th century, became a French protectorate in 1912. 1984. A number of small-scale Jewish exoduses began in many Middle Eastern countries early in the 20th century with the only substantial aliyah (immigration to the area today known as Israel) coming from Yemen and Syria. Jews had their property expropriated and bank accounts frozen, their ability to do business was restricted, they were dismissed from public positions, and were placed under house arrest for extended periods of time. But valiant as he was, the man was a leper. The last Jews of Sudan left the country in the early 1970s. The result was, therefore, a double Nakba: not only of Palestinian-Arab suffering and the creation of a Palestinian refugee problem, but also, with the assault on Israel and on Jews in Arab countries, the creation of a second, much less known, group of refugees—Jewish refugees from Arab countries. In Libya, the Axis powers established labor camps to which many Jews were forcibly deported. Learn about Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, Church in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. To mark Assumption Day, we take a look at a monument that plays a key role in the story of the Virgin Mary. Some remained behind but after riots broke out following the Six-Day War, the majority left. [76], Despite their dwindling numbers, Jews continue to play a notable role in Morocco; the King retains a Jewish senior adviser, André Azoulay, and Jewish schools and synagogues receive government subsidies. [246] By 1969, some 300 remained, and most of these left after the Soviet invasion of 1979, leaving 10 Afghan Jews in 1996, most of them in Kabul. Print. Israel Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Information Division. [20][319][320], Holocaust restitution expert Sidney Zabludoff, writing for the Israeli-advocacy group Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, suggests that the losses sustained by the Jews who fled Arab countries since 1947 amounts to $700m at period prices based on an estimated per capita wealth of $700 multiplied by one million refugees, equating to $6 billion today, assuming that the entire exodus left all of their wealth behind. [31], Neighbouring Husainid Tunisia began to come under European influence in the late 1860s and became a French protectorate in 1881. Another is cornered on the assumption that Hariri will succeed in forming an independent government that will pave the way for international aid to salvage the economy and rebuild Lebanon’s institutions, but this would mean that Aoun and Hizbollah would be willing to compromise. [43] In other areas Nazi propaganda targeted Arab populations to incite them against British or French rule. Thousands of Jews were ordered to leave the country. The Assumption of the Virgin Mary in art has been a popular subject, especially since the 12th century.. 1947–1974 VI - The Arab refugees - introduction, "The Other Refugees: Jews of the Arab World", "Historical Society of the Jews from Egypt", "International Association of Jews from Egypt", "Cotler briefs UK parliament on Jewish refugees", "JJAC at 2008 United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva", Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: Ready to play hardball, "Congress considers recognizing Jewish refugees", "Jewish refugees bill being considered by U.S. House of Representatives", "House members seek recognition for Jewish refugees from Arab countries", "Israel urges Ban Ki-moon to place plight of post-1948 Jewish refugees on UN agenda", "Gov't steps up campaign for Jewish Arab refugees", "The Jewish Nakba: Expulsions, Massacres and Forced Conversions", Changing tack, Foreign Ministry to bring 'Jewish refugees' to fore, "Hamas: Arab Jews are not refugees, but criminals", "Hamas: 'Arab Jews' are not refugees, but criminals", "The Palestinian Refugee Issue: Rhetoric vs. In Libya, Iraq and Egypt many Jews lost vast portions of their wealth and property as part of the exodus because of severe restrictions on moving their wealth out of the country. [199], In 2004, the Syrian government attempted to establish better relations with its emigrants, and a delegation of a dozen Jews of Syrian origin visited Syria in the spring of that year. Patron Saint of France and Lebanon. Jews were banned from voting, attaining public offices and from serving in the army or in police. May their soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. "From Babylonia To Beverly Hills: The Exodus of Iran's Jews" Documentary. In 1954, Mossad had established an undercover base in Morocco, sending agents and emissaries within a year to appraise the situation and organize continuous emigration. [279], The majority of Jews in Arab countries eventually immigrated to the modern State of Israel. Parishes in Adams County . And Iraqi-born Shlomo Hillel, also a former speaker of the Knesset, Labor Party, claimed: "I do not regard the departure of Jews from Arab lands as that of refugees. Followers of Selected Religions in the 1976 & 1986 Censuses", "11. 838 and S.Res. [313] However, opinions on this differ. [94] In 1943, Mossad LeAliyah Bet began to send emissaries to prepare the infrastructure for the emigration of the Libyan Jewish community. 185 and S.Res. [87] Algeria's 140,000 Jews, who had French citizenship since 1870 (briefly revoked by Vichy France in 1940) left mostly for France, although some went to Israel.[88]. This page was last edited on 5 March 2021, at 02:13. Of the latter, there were still about 100,000 in 1965 and about 50,000 by the end of the 1960s.[84]. On 10 January 1961 the Egoz, a Mossad-leased ship carrying Jews attempting to emigrate undercover, sank off the northern coast of Morocco. [72], According to Esther Benbassa, the migration of Jews from the North African countries was prompted by uncertainty about the future. [111], The British mandate over Iraq came to an end in June 1930, and in October 1932 the country became independent.

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